Razni testovi ličnosti, šta biste bili u svetu fantazije, i ta pseudonaučna čuda

  1. I ja roknuo zmaja i to sa onim da bih porokao i seljane ako me ne nagrade.

  2. The Mad Jester
    25% Strength, 47% Bloodlust, 38% Intelligence, 22% Spirit, 18% Vitality and 38% Agility!
    Extremely cunning, intelligent, and dexterous, you are the Mad Jester. You try to fool and manipulate people with your jokes and deceit, but you can't trick me! :P Mad Jesters are master spellcasters, but because they try to mold dark and light magic into chaotic energy, their spells are often zany, underhanded, and unpredictable. Mad Jesters will use and abuse magic in ways that no other spellcaster can, and their unusual and sneaky magic always catches their opponents off guard, leading to a quick and easy defeat. In fact, because Mad Jesters delved too far into the realm of forbidden magic, their elemental magic draws from the source of all magic and is truly ferocious and frightening. In addition to their mastery over elemental magic, Mad Jesters may occasionally be masters of combat and even transformation magic. By using these skills in combination with their extremely powerful dark and light magic, it's not surprising that Mad Jesters can create truly horrifying and menacing displays of magical power. Any foe not defeated by their powerful magic will surely run away in sheer terror as the Mad Jester cackles wildly in amusement! The dark and insane energy permeating through the air around Mad Jesters can easily infect the hearts and minds of anyone nearby, forcing any opponents to collapse while laughing themselves madly into a coma. With so much treachery, mischief, deceit, and power, Mad Jesters are truly formidable foes!
    Congratulations on achieving this powerful class!
    This is a rare mixed class that requires at least three variables to be extremely high.
    You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.

    evo, pažljivo sam pročitao sve kvestove -pitanja i odradio kako bih i inače, i evo rezultata. brate, još sam veća dileja nego prošli put hahaha
    au, dont mes vit zohan.

  3. Pih, ja sam ga ostavila, glupo mi je da nekog sposobnog ubijam, uostalom, borim se zbog zabave, ne znam imam osećaj da bih tako u životu radila, sad šta je ko je demončina, anđeo... Ko ga jebe. Ako baš moram ubila bih. Možda se oporavi, dođe jači, pa taman da vežbam ponovo, ili steknem novog saveznika. Ali nisam ga iscelila, i uzela sam mu celo blago, zaslužila sam. Šta ćeš. :)

  4. Ou, Manijak, ovo drugo tvoje baš rastura. Da li je neko dobio to uopšte ikad? :D Nešto kao Cicero. :)

  5. mislim, tako bih se ponašao u igrici, da se ogradim u startu:)

  6. Haha, i ja bih se onako ponašala u igrici da se ogradim u startu. :)
    Ja sam valjda ovde najneutralnija od svih trenutno. :)

  7. Nikad neću dobiti Paragona hahahahhahah.

  8. Ja sam samuraj....pravi pogodak :D

  9. HAKER!!!

  10. Leba ti, koliko si ti puta ovo pokušao da pređeš, pardon duradiš ovaj test da dobiješ kreatora? xD

    Kalebe, evo ja ću didem sa tobom na neki kvest, deluješ mi na zemlji i staloženo, od ovog manijaka bih sigurno prolupao taj moj haos koji je kao izbalansiran i demončići u meni od njegovog haosa. :)

  11. Kalebe, evo ja ću didem sa tobom na neki kvest, deluješ mi na zemlji i staloženo, od ovog manijaka bih sigurno prolupao taj moj haos i demončići u meni. :)

    ma probudio bih samo najbolje u tebi:*
    idemo bre da spasavamo svet sejući smrt kroz zajebanciju i smeh!

  12. Hajde da organizujemo neku ekipicu i kreneo usvet dubijamo zmajeve i krademo blaga.....i bilo bi lepo da povedemo manijaka...da nam bude veselije :D

  13. The Rune Weaver
    22% Strength, 32% Bloodlust, 28% Intelligence, 35% Spirit, 20% Vitality and 32% Agility!
    By drawing runes with their feet, Rune Weavers are able to quickly and easily create powerful and deadly spells. Oftentimes, Rune Weavers are skilled dancers, and they will often draw their runes through the art of dance. Although not skilled with a sword, Rune Weavers are often quite nimble and powerful, making them difficult opponents to defeat in battle. By combining the power of their martial arts with the flexibility of their dance, Rune Weavers can effortlessly outmaneuver and defeat their foes. In addition, by synchronizing their martial arts with their rune weaving, they can both physically attack their opponents and simultaneously cast spells with the runes they draw with their feet. This ability to use both incredibly powerful magic and physically attacks at the same time is a unique and deadly skill that almost no other class possesses. Although all Rune Weavers are quite skilled with light and healing magic, there are a few that have learned to use destructive elemental magic and powerful psionic energy.
    Congratulations on achieving this powerful class!
    This is a rare mixed class that requires at least three variables to be extremely high.
    You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.

    интелигенција ми није јача страна никад била :'(

  14. Leba ti, koliko si ti puta ovo pokušao da pređeš, pardon duradiš ovaj test da dobiješ kreatora? xD

    Imaš u URL-u komponente ove i samo sam ih stavio na 99 sve. Sad ih kombinujem za Paragona.

  15. Ali zato plešeš savršeno. :) Kul klasa, ma sve su kul klase, nema lošeg izbora... Osim možda ovo Manijakovo. Mislim previše je kul, toliko da je zastrašujuće. :)

    ma probudio bih samo najbolje u tebi:idemo bre da spasavamo svet sejući smrt kroz zajebanciju i smeh!

    Aha, znači sa tobom da koristim mračni deo moći, deal. :)

    probudio bih samo najbolje u tebi:

    Ovo sam prvo bila pročitala kao produbio, lolololo.

    Hajde da organizujemo neku ekipicu i kreneo usvet dubijamo zmajeve i krademo blaga.....i bilo bi lepo da povedemo manijaka...da nam bude veselije :D

    To bi bilo jako kul. :)

  16. Ovo sam prvo bila pročitala kao produbio

    Čitaj kako je napisano, a protumači kako želiš:)

  17. Hehe. ♥ Možeš da prođeš kao neki Džoker sa magičnim moćima, što je vrlo šmeksi. :)

    A, mojne be tako, Milice, to samo znači da koristiš one sposobnosti koje si uvežbala, da ne voliš te neke rizike u novim strategijama. Ćut' i uči te rune pa da pržiš naokolo. :)

Rekli o sajtu

Štek je dobro sakriveno mesto. Varijacija ima bezbroj: recimo štek-ocene su „isključivo dobre ocene koje se čuvaju za ‘ne daj Bože' situacije, odnosno period kada pljušte kečevi“, piše jedna vukajlijašica. Tako će iskusni školarac prećutati roditeljima da je dobio peticu, a to će im saopštiti tek kada dobije i nekog keca – da bi ublažio negativni efekat.

Deutsche Welle · 29. April 2011.