Razni testovi ličnosti, šta biste bili u svetu fantazije, i ta pseudonaučna čuda

  1. šmeksi. :)

    da je ošišana latinica i da nema ovog 'm', nastao bi HAOS!

  2. da je ošišana latinica i da nema ovog 'm', nastao bi HAOS!

    Da! Kod mene taj haos je ovakav!

    Your powers distort the very stability of the world around you, and therefore if your powers are not in balance, you may end up being devoured by the energy and the chaos within you. Or worse, you may end up consuming the world and everyone around you in your insanity! Normally introverted, Chaos Phantoms wander the earth alone trying to stay clear of anyone and anything that might disturb the balance within them.

    Scary. Moram da se klonim ljudi da se ne samouništim.

  3. au, onda bolje me se kloni da ne sjebemo ovaj fentezi v'rld:(

  4. That's so sad. :'( Realno ovde je većina realtivno normalna, samo mi smo neki mentoli ♥, mada si ti malo veći od mene, ako mi je za utehu. :)

  5. мслим да је то од периода до периода, тренутно се осећам баш тако - избалансирано у физичком и психичком смислу, па ми је зато и испало тако да комбинујем психичку и физичку моћ :)
    решићу кроз неко време поново баш да вим шта ће испасти.
    иначе пар пута сма лупила онај претпоследњи баналан одговор, типа ''даћу новац тролу што да не и тролови морају од нечег да живе'' лолол
    у суштини увек ми се тај одговор највише свиђао од свих понуђених шта бих испала да сам то искликтала? пичкица? :д

  6. bitno je da imaš duha micili, ko šiša inteligenciju, snagu i te zajebancije.

  7. Ispalo bi ti da nemaš klasu, ima i tu neki okej tekst. :) Ja sam za trola kao onom iluzijom ga uplašila. :)

  8. that's the spirit manijače!

  9. The Grand Bishop
    30% Strength, 22% Bloodlust, 43% Intelligence, 43% Spirit, 22% Vitality and 27% Agility!

    osećam se k'o deda neki...

  10. Ja sam rokao džastis(iako je svirepa), vizdom i manipulejš...

  11. Ja sam mercy i honor, ali da prati ultimate power and summoning magic. :)

  12. Mada test je glupost, nisam znao koja će mi biti klasa, al' sam znao otprilike šta će pisati u opisu... očekivao sam da saznam nešto o sebi što nisam želeololo

  13. The Odin Warrior
    53% Strength, 23% Bloodlust, 30% Intelligence, 25% Spirit, 33% Vitality and 23% Agility!
    Masters of multiple weapons and forms of hand-to-hand combat, the Odin Warriors are truly fierce and formidable opponents. Although Odin Warriors may look frightening, they often have a good heart and engage in battle for the right reasons, but make them your enemy and expect to be soundly defeated! Although warm-hearted on the inside, Odin Warriors are tough, cold and ferocious on the outside. With so much power and ferocity, some Odin Warriors may occasionally become corrupt and bloodthirsty. In fact, some Odin Warriors have mastered the art of dark magic and summoning techniques, making them even more dangerous and savage in battle! Regardless of whether or not they are good or evil, their endurance and strength is almost boundless enabling Odin Warriors to take down truly formidable foes. Their skin is literally so tough that they can block a sword with their bare hands. Spellcasters have trouble against them as well because magic attacks seem to have little effect on this tough natural armor. Besides their defense, Odin Warriors can easily punch through stone walls with their bare hands, or they can even blast through by launching energy from their fists and weapons. With a sword, Odin Warriors can simply slice through giant boulders as if they were made of butter. This combination of defense and strength makes the Odin Warrior an unstoppable force!
    Congratulations on reaching this formidable class!
    You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.

    Uvek i biram ove copine.


  14. The Star Glider
    12% Strength, 17% Bloodlust, 48% Intelligence, 45% Spirit, 42% Vitality and 25% Agility!
    Using a powerful and ancient form of combat, Star Gliders appear to effortlessly slide across the ground as they move and attack. In fact, Star Gliders are actually hovering slightly above the surface of the ground using their powerful mastery over electromagnetism. Since their feet never touch the ground, the movements of Star Gliders are nearly impossible to predict, making Star Gliders extremely formidable adversaries. By using powerful rune magic to control electromagnetic fields, Star Gliders can manipulate terrestrial and cosmic plasmas! In addition, they have limited control over metals, and will often use magnetism to create shields and weapons out of any metals in the surrounding areas. Occasionally, Star Gliders may be skilled at controlling the energy within their own bodies, and they'll use that skill to undergo various minor transformations. For example, some Star Gliders possess the ability to transform and harden their own skin, making them more resistant to damage. Other Star Gliders who aren't skilled with transformation can simply condense metallic particles around their body to form a strong protective layer and enhance their defenses. Star Gliders are also quite skilled with powerful elemental magic and light magic, making them even more dangerous opponents in battle! By combining this incredibly powerful magic with their superlative combat skills, Star Gliders can release powerful blasts of electromagnetic energy, making them almost impossible to best in battle.
    Congratulations on achieving this powerful class!
    This is a powerful mixed class that requires at least three variables to be extremely high.
    You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.

    Recite mi da nisam jedini dobio ovog...

  15. matrikse, kada hodaš, ne zastajkuješ, zemlju ne dodiruješ, to je kul:)

  16. Biošoker, ovo mi izašlo za tebe. Baš si copina jedna. xD

    Kako ste svi kripi. :) A ove žemske što su se testirale... Sve su fine. :) I dalje mi je najkulji Manijakov Mad Jester, mad love. :)

  17. до јаја!

    The Ninja Sennin
    20% Strength, 12% Bloodlust, 22% Intelligence, 52% Spirit, 23% Vitality and 52% Agility!
    Ninja Sennin are able to become one with nature and absorb the energy of the world around them to enhance their strength, stealth, and agility. By becoming one with nature, the Ninja Sennin are able to feel, connect with, and channel the lifeforce of all living creatures surrounding them, thus raising their senses, powers, and abilities to godly levels. Ninja Sennin often have some skill with the basic elements though certainly not as much as the spellcaster classes. Usually, Ninja Sennin have a natural affinity for one or two different elements and will try to train those exclusively. However, by combining their weak elemental magic with their own energy and the energy of the world around them, they can create devastatingly powerful techniques and spells that no other class can perform. Their stealthiness and formidable power may make them seem like dark and ferocious foes, but deep down they are often truly benevolent and wise; however, Ninja Sennin that cannot control any darkness and hate within them will certainly fall into madness and chaos. Those who can master this darkness will know what it means to be truly alive and at peace with the world.
    Congratulations on reaching this high class!
    You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.

    ал ја сам урадио само онај тест од 30 и нешто питања јел има неки од 100 беше? и зашто немам слику? и шта значи сенин?

Rekli o sajtu

Vukajlija, lijek koji je potisnuo iz upotrebe Edronax, Zoloft, Prozac, Aktivin H i ostale antidepresive. Nuspojave su: grčevi u trbušnim mišićima, suzenje očiju, ludački osmjeh i lako se navući na njega.

Psiholog · 20. Februar 2011.