Puši ga Profe

  1. Ponudio bih se, ali mi vrv nije tvrd ko Celtov.

  2. A i laloški naglasak mi deluje kontraproduktivno na erekciju.

  3. vrv nije tvrd

    Prečesto se na ovaj problem žalite, gospodine, a nik sugeriše da volite tvrdo.

  4. Laže taj Nik, peder jedan obični.

  5. Vi se sprdate, a ja nudim rešenje.

  6. Sildenafil? Kamagra, viagra? Prečesto falsifikovano, a oće i srčka da ode od toga, kao onom đembelom sinu od Miše Grofa.

  7. ali mi vrv nije tvrd ko Celtov.


  8. Slažem se sa Caricom. ☺️

  9. Vidi sta mogu: Pusi ga profe evo jako jako :* samo bez bana pls promenio sam se

  10. Jbt koliki to racku celtara ima u ocima kamenog pitam se

  11. Profe, kad će takmičenje? ❤️☺️☕☀️⚡☔⭐✈️⛵

  12. How to make the site cringe af + suck a nigga dieeck:

    Step 1: Teach Avvl about all integratable emojis

    Step 2: Give a slap on the wrist to the biggest spammer the site has seen since it's inception, also encourage him through DM's and make him feel welcome to express his artistic "urges" without any real threat of consequences

    Step 3: Ban Zozo, the most harmless person to ever walk this god's green earth, for eternity. Because reasons.

    Step 4: Ban THE person that hasn't got shit to do with definitions and the last time he wrote something was aeons ago, hence does not even seek to compete nor engage with any authors over the most retarded endeavor of writing about useless shit that never ever gave anyone any real help or solution yade yade yade. Y? Because he clicked on a bunch of plus signs on a dead page just for shits and giggles, that wasn't even intended for an author that could have even still continued "competing" in "writing" lol

    Step 5: Create a writing contest with the main topic being "Summer", present a carrot and a stick for the donkeys that fall for it thinking the reward is worth it (as if anyone that ever even wanted to come back from Bananaland wouldn't have done it through a duplicate acc in the first place ffs). In the process stroke that lil dick hard thinking of yourself as a real professor in a classroom, picking your favourite students and giving them twinkly stars for effort, while the unzipped pants of all the chad students are waiting for your service. A true prof wet dream it seems...

    RIP Zozo i Puši ga profe

  13. fellate me sensually, prof.

  14. E ovako se piše na engleskom jebem vas usta, bez grešaka u spelovanju, malo više slenga doduše, malo diskutabilna sintaksa, malo problema sa saksonskim genitivom i apostrofom (apsolutno razumljivo) i uvek neugodni članovi ali skoro sve je ovo gramatički ispravno i pre svega razumljivo.
    Bravo dečko, 5.

  15. Step 1:opravdano
    Step 2:neopravdano
    Step 3:neopravdano
    Step 4:neopravdano
    Step 5:opravdano

  16. pa jel ziveo antivakser negde u nekom sautemptonu brajtonu nesto? good boi.