Mučenje klinaca od strane stranaca

Einstein 2009-11-26 20:00:22 +0000

Često se desi da neki stranci nalete na nekog klinja koga muštraju svojim "savršenim" engleskim da im objasni neke trivijalne stvari. Uz uverenje da starije osobe(20-30 godina) ne znaju engleski, upravo zato spopadaju dečicu.

-Boy, what time is it?
-Ten o'clock.
-My wač half tu ten... Hahahah... Tenk ju.


-Boy, there internet in taun?
-Yes, center.
-Just cross the street and u will see one big shop, next to it there's center called "Hulk", u cant miss it.
-Can u translate me?
-Can u translate me tu ther?


-Boy, how many aurs is now?
-Am, not shure, around midnight.
-Aj thinked that too.

36 : 7
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Google · 17. April 2015.