
Onetab 2024-07-20 06:22:21 +0000

OneTab is indeed a helpful tool if you work with hundreds of open tabs and on multiple windows. Nobody wants to get themselves into a muddle by switching between too many tabs. Also, many times a random web search turns into long surfing where only unmindful things occur.

Thus, people lose track of time and productivity, plus they lose the fact of what they were looking at on the web. Furthermore, many professionals' jobs need them to open an excessive number of tabs and connections. Therefore, you can put in a little extra work to clear the clutter and be free with a single click.

6 : 15
  1. De brt koji kurac. Kajzene reaguj

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Definiše se sve i svašta. Tako se mogu pročitati definicije baksuza, alapače, čitulje, smrti, rezervoara za smeh, kolateralne štete, Živojinović Velimira, zvanog Bate, dnevne svetlosti, gospođe džem!, Brus Lija… „Je l’ ti puši ćale?”, „Je l’ mogu u WC?”, „Chuck Norrisisati” i još mnogo toga može se naći na ovoj internet stranici. Zato ne iznenađuje što se mnogi kad jednom dođu, ponovo vraćaju na nju. Neki čak postaju i zavisnici, pa traže od moderatora da ih banuju, poput jednog studenta koji je zahtevao da mu zabrane pristup na nedelju, dve dana da bi mogao da uči.

Status Magazin · April 2009.