Prilično zajebana planeta ako se njeno ime prevede na engleski.
Na engleskom se kaže "Uranus" što može da bude pogrešno shvaćeno jer se čita "jurejnus" što zvuči gotovo isto kao i "your anus" (tvoj analni otvor).
-What is your favorite planet?
-Your Anus.
-Spaceship "Voyager II" went all the way to Your Anus.
-Your Anus is colored green.
-Your Anus has rings around it.
-Your Anus has 5 satellites.
-William Hershel discovered Your Anus.
-There are strong winds blowing on Your Anus.
-Your Anus is very distant from Sun.
Did you mean Vukajlija?
Google · 17. April 2015.
Stari fazon...
No it isn't. =P