
Тхе Проф 2013-06-10 21:44:19 +0000

(N.B. Ukoliko NEMATI strpljenja, PREĆI odmah na primere. RAZUMETI defku i tako. Autor. )

You are probably wondering why am I writing in fucking English. Well, I am writing in fucking English because I want to show you what will happen – and in not so distant future, by the way - if we continue to use so many fucking English words in our own language. Don’t get me wrong – I have nothing against learning other languages, I even consider them one of the few true values than one can possess, but incorporating so many „borrowed” words into the Serbian daily vocabulary is NOT very “valuable”, isn’t it? Especially regarding some of the not so admirable facts about the above-mentioned…well, that’s the thing, actually – I simply cannot find the fucking synonym. Strictly numerically speaking, with its 200 000 words, English language is one of the poorest and the most unimaginative languages in the whole world and it is safe to say that it wasn’t for these reasons that it became the main international source of communication.

On the other hand, if it weren’t for some very lucky events in recent History, we would all be speaking German today, which would have been a possibility that is, perhaps, even worse than the one we are currently suffering from. This suffering is, however, nearly insufferable and conducted on a regular daily basis; series, movies, music, internet, computers, mobile phones, goddamn instruction-manuals…everything is in English, and the worst thing is that people don’t even realize how profoundly this affects their lives, for fuck’s sake! Not to mention the “ever-mesmerizing” effect of Facebook on every human category, from child to retired citizen.

It is a phrase but it’s also a very truthful one, that “one nation is preserved not by the number of its members but with the preservation of its language and traditions”. So, can we PLEEEASE do that, guys? I mean, it’s not like we’re Croatians or something…

You can now curse female members of my family. Author.

- Brate, daj griz, pliz…
- Odjebi, bre, Ustašo!


- A daaaj, što si takva, jebote?!
- Zato što će da me boli, eto zašto!
- A mooolim te, biću nežan, pliiiiiz!!
- Možeš da pliziš kol’ko ‘oćeš – ne dam dupe i aufiderzen!

46 : 12
  1. Zaboravio sam šta sam kontao kad sam počeo da čitam. Odlična poenta btw, great English too :)

  2. Thanks, m8:)

    E, ae stvarno da prestanemo. IŠ SOTONO!

  3. Kapiram da će defka očajitis da prođe al' jebiga - tako je moralo biti:)

  4. fuck’s sake

    Mojne sake da psuješ, dobra je to rakija!
    + by the way

  5. Al si se popišao po našoj asimilaciji, svaka čas'!

  6. slažem se u potpunosti sa ovim pisanijem, još da je ćirilicom... :+)

  7. Ne bih da se pravim englez, ali imas gresku. It is suffering from, not suffering of, nevertheless, this is a great definition. With regards!

  8. Јако добро.

  9. Dont dipr pliz + :-)

  10. Sve sam skontao! Razumjem k'o pravi, al' zato pričam k'o Tarzan. ;-) Pluščina na originalnost.

  11. kakve su ovo metalike profe :)

  12. Lets plei tikets.+++

  13. I simple cannot find the fucking synonym.

    Instead of "simple", you should put "simply". Otherwise, nicely written and honest. +

  14. Eto da mi je neko rekao da ću da ti * na defku na engleskom ne bi verov'o.

    Dobar hejt engleskog, same činjenice da se koristi nenormalno mnogo u našem jeziku i da je to uglavnom odvratno (čast izuzetku, to jest reči "trip"), odlični primeri. Posebno broj jedan. Stvarno zvuči ustaški.

  15. Ispravljene greške - koje su se, inače, potkrale, OPA! - zahvalnost na strpljenju pri čitanju.

    Džoni, jebote, sad si mi dao nadu da će i ova što je na nemačkom proći zapaženo lololo :)
    A "trip" jeste kul reč...

  16. A, nemački prođe OK, veruj mi. Samo, zavisi od konotacije, jebiga :)

  17. Повремени англицизам је ОК, чак штавише и природно је то, пре свега због утицаја енглеског данас.... Ионако нам је језик пун речи страног порекла.... Ал' ако имамо јебену реч за нешто, онда ју ваља користити.... Шта ћеш кад су људи превише лењи да науче свој језик....

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