Bog otac hevi metal muzike.
Kreator \m/ znaka. Dao mu je značenje koje sada nosi, kao zaštitni znak rock, punk i metal muzike.
Onaj ko treba da zna, zna коja je Dio veličina.
The holy diver.
Na sajtu vukajlija.com definisan je pluskvamfutur I i II , poseban morfološki oblik glagola, kojim se služe političari kada govore o ulasku Srbije u Evropsku uniju.
Kurir · 20. Februar 2011.
i sjebo ga mile kitic :P
\m/ \m/
Holy Diver
You've been down too long in the midnight sea
Oh what's becoming of me
Ride the tiger
You can see his stripes but you know he's clean
Oh don't you see what I mean
Gotta get away
Holy Diver
Shiny diamonds
Like the eyes of a cat in the black and blue
Something is coming for you
Race for the morning
You can hide in the sun 'till you see the light
Oh we will pray it's all right
Gotta get away-get away
Between the velvet lies
There's a truth that's hard as steel
The vision never dies
Life's a never ending wheel
Holy Diver
You're the star of the masquerade
No need to look so afraid
Jump on the tiger
You can feel his heart but you know he's mean
Some light can never be seen
čovek je živa legenda+++++++++
Nažalost sada je mrtva legenda. R.I.P. Ronnie James Dio