
Ta kultura

Način ponašanja na javnom mestu, u raznim prilikama. Na ručkovima, poslovnim sastancima, izlascima...

- Dobro brate, račun je izneo 1250 dinara, i ja sam pitao da li može za 1200. Jel' to toliki problem?
- Konobar, oprosti mu molim te. On nema tu kulturu, juče je ušao u kafanu.


Jesus Christ, Rocky.. You are my son and the best thing that ever happened in my fightful life being surrounded by enemies and lying bitches and i will love you no matter what you have done or what you think to do. But as father, there is obligation up to me to help you choose the right choice and make your dreams come true as possible it is. You have to keep your dreams alive, because i know they arent revenge or anything mean because you are good man, Rocky. We are made from same fire, son, youre my blood! Dont ever let stupid and lying cowards to make decisions about your life, in front of you, damn it! Find yourself again, and you will never walk alone until i can fucking breathe!

A kuvari...njima nikad ništa!

Па да, многи о томе рамишљају. Само зезнуто би ми било баш да уђем у кухињу и да им ставим парке на сто и кажем - ево, и ви сте се трудили.