

    Opaliti nekome kvalitetnu šamarčinu vanjskom stranom šake - k'o kad maltariš. Opustiti ruku u zglobovima, postaviti šaku u visinu svog pupka i onda jednim bestrzajnim potezom ruke vratiti oponenta kvalitetnim šamarom u djetinjstvo.

    Dio transkripta preuzet iz filma RocknRolla(dio kada Arči zamalteriše Bandija):

    -Where was it, Len?
    -Well, let's just take a wild stab in the dark,shall we, Bandy?Archy, slap him, send him to school because I can't take no more of this.Now, you sort this out.Get that painting back, bring me a body,because I'm going to back to bed.
    -Bandy, you ever ask a stupid question like that again, you see Danny there?He's gonna slap you.
    -I'm sorry, Arch.I was just trying to use initiative.
    -Danny, slap him.With the right, Danny, properly.
    No, no, no, come on, do it properly with the back of the right hand.
    - What is this, a tennis match, Arch?
    -Slap him.Oh, for fuck...Like this.Now, if you can master a slap like that...
    ...there's no need for your clients to hold back.They will open up like a fountain full of words.No need for strong violence, no, no.They're transported back to their childhood.
    Putty in your hands.Ask Bandy.Look, thinks he's back at school.
    -But he never went to school, Arch.
    -You want a slap as well, Daniel, eh?Now, if the slap don't work,
    you cut them or you pay them...