Opaliti nekome kvalitetnu šamarčinu vanjskom stranom šake - k'o kad maltariš. Opustiti ruku u zglobovima, postaviti šaku u visinu svog pupka i onda jednim bestrzajnim potezom ruke vratiti oponenta kvalitetnim šamarom u djetinjstvo.
Dio transkripta preuzet iz filma RocknRolla(dio kada Arči zamalteriše Bandija):
-Where was it, Len?
-Well, let's just take a wild stab in the dark,shall we, Bandy?Archy, slap him, send him to school because I can't take no more of this.Now, you sort this out.Get that painting back, bring me a body,because I'm going to back to bed.
-Bandy, you ever ask a stupid question like that again, you see Danny there?He's gonna slap you.
-I'm sorry, Arch.I was just trying to use initiative.
-Danny, slap him.With the right, Danny, properly.
No, no, no, come on, do it properly with the back of the right hand.
- What is this, a tennis match, Arch?
-Slap him.Oh, for fuck...Like this.Now, if you can master a slap like that...
...there's no need for your clients to hold back.They will open up like a fountain full of words.No need for strong violence, no, no.They're transported back to their childhood.
Putty in your hands.Ask Bandy.Look, thinks he's back at school.
-But he never went to school, Arch.
-You want a slap as well, Daniel, eh?Now, if the slap don't work,
you cut them or you pay them...
Štek je dobro sakriveno mesto. Varijacija ima bezbroj: recimo štek-ocene su „isključivo dobre ocene koje se čuvaju za ‘ne daj Bože' situacije, odnosno period kada pljušte kečevi“, piše jedna vukajlijašica. Tako će iskusni školarac prećutati roditeljima da je dobio peticu, a to će im saopštiti tek kada dobije i nekog keca – da bi ublažio negativni efekat.
Deutsche Welle · 29. April 2011.