Zelenovići i Smeđići

Che-Vu 2010-09-08 14:55:06 +0000

Dve porodice čiji su članovi glavni akteri u sapunici koja se u vidu hladnokrvnih dijaloga provlači kroz primere u udžbenicima početnih nivoa Engleskog jezika.

Mr Green: Good afternoon, Mr Brown. How are you?
Mr Brown: I'm very well, thank you. And you?
Mr Green: Fine, thanks.

* * * * * * * *

Mrs Green: Is this train going to London?
Mrs Brown: No, this train is not going to London. This train is going to Liverpool.

* * * * * * * *

Mr Brown: I see a tsunami entering my garden. Can you see it, Mr Green?
Mr Green: Yes, I can see a tsunami, too. The tsunami looks very big and scary, doesn't it?
Mr Brown: Yes, it does look big and scary. And it is very loud, as well.
Mr Green: I agree, it's very loud. There is a loud, big and scary tsunami entering the garden this very moment.

39 : 9
  1. +,проклети Мр.Грин:)

  2. U mom je bio Ben :\

  3. I njegov brat Nik Etkins i pas Rover. :)

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Kompjuterska Biblioteka · 7. Maj 2009.