Brate, Pen je marka hemiski olovki, penkala itd., a Island je drzava u kojoj se prave. Kad su provalili kako im je glupa adresa, napravili su jos jedan sajt :)
Whether you're looking for a long and skinny pen, a thick pen, a fountain pen that squirts ink, or even a black pen, we have just the one for you.
Others aren't quite sure and may want to experiment a bit before they find the one that is right for them. Wild or mild, we can help you find the pen for you.
Don't be ashamed if all you want is a normal skinny white pen, they get the job done and they are infact our biggest seller
Just tell us a little bit about the size, color, texture, and taste of the pen you’re looking for, and we’ll see what can do.
E baš tako. +
+, i ovo je biser
хахахаха, јао то је још горе! :)
Pa da, brate, strašno... a ono proizvođač penkala, svi ih imaju. :)
Мало сам шврљао по сајту, мислим да је направљено ради форе... Нажалост, ово наше није!
Nij radi fore, imas sigurno u kuci pen hemisku, flomaster, olovku...
da, sa Islanda je.
Сајт бре! Погледај га мало... Мислим, сарказам убија!
Wrapped in leather, little pink bows, we've even done pens dipped in chocolate!
А и pen се у енглеском сленгу користи и за туки...
Какав бре сад Исланд? :) То се неки ктитор ил мод убацио? :)
Brate, Pen je marka hemiski olovki, penkala itd., a Island je drzava u kojoj se prave. Kad su provalili kako im je glupa adresa, napravili su jos jedan sajt :)
можда је неко купио домен, или су били са орг или тако нешто. Заправо и јесте тако :)
Wrapped in leather, little pink bows, we've even done pens dipped in chocolate!
Don't be fooled by those imposters at, or, we're the real deal!
Whether you're looking for a long and skinny pen, a thick pen, a fountain pen that squirts ink, or even a black pen, we have just the one for you.
Others aren't quite sure and may want to experiment a bit before they find the one that is right for them. Wild or mild, we can help you find the pen for you.
Don't be ashamed if all you want is a normal skinny white pen, they get the job done and they are infact our biggest seller
Just tell us a little bit about the size, color, texture, and taste of the pen you’re looking for, and we’ll see what can do.
:) Па ти види! :)
Sad sam zbunjen, bili su na a nešto su menjalig
Јбг, дешава се :) :) :)
Ili firme:
STR "Pamti dobro"
"Deal" d.o.o. +++