Na pitanje: „Ko je bio Mocart?“ duhoviti posetioci internet sajta Vukajlija, rečnik slenga, odgovaraju: „Svestrana ličnost. Čovek koji je komponovao muziku za Nokiu. Inače, bio je poslastičar i izmislio je Mozzart kugle. A voleo je i da se kladi...“
Danas · 06. Novembar 2008.
Parce iz jedne od mojih omiljenih knjiga X)
Zivot je siri od svakog propisa. Moral je zamisao, a zivot ono sto biva. Kako da ga uklopimo u zamisao, a da ga ne ostetimo. Vise je stete naneseno u zivotu zbog sprecavanja greha, nego zbog greha.
Dervis i smrt
Today my heart collapsed.
And the feeling in my stomachs like a knife in my back.
And it's too damn short for me to get a grip
and pull the fucker out before it sticks.
Today my lungs collapsed
And I'm choking on my blood which has all turned black
And everything I'm spitting out. I'm spitting out.
Just spells your name.
Why, oh why, would you use that one.
You know I never used it, cos it just ain't on.
Can you pull it out of me please
cos it really fucking hurts and Its making me dizzy
No? Well fine, then ill tell you what.
I'm gonna tell you that I love you till my breathing stops.
Today my heart collapsed
Everything was fine and now I'm ready to relapse.
I can't understand how you made it through
I'm totally fucked cos I'm falling for you..
Today my lungs collapsed
and I'm choking on my blood which has all turned black
and everything I'm spitting out
I'm spitting out.
Why would you use that one
you know I never used it cos it just ain't on.
can you pull it outta me please
cos it really fucking hurts and it's making me dizzy
No! well fine then I'll tell you what.
I'm gonna tell you that I love you till my breathing stops.
The black heart king
has met his black heart queen
forgot everything he was
for the taste of her skin
his nights no longer lonely
once he let her in
and by the orchestra of wolves
you can hear him sing….
Poor, dear Cat. And this was the price you paid for sleeping together. This was the end of the trap.This was what people got for loving each other. Thank God for gas, anyway. What must it have been like before there were anesthetics? Once it started, they were in the mill - race. Catherine had a good time in the time of pregnancy. It wasn't bad. She was hardly ever sick. She was not awfully uncomfortable until toward the last. So now they got her in the end. You never got away with anything. Get away hell! It would have been the same if we had been married fifty times. And what if she should die? She won't die. People don't die in childbirth nowadays. That was what all husbands thought. Yes, but if she should die? She won't die. She's just having a bad time. The initial labor is usually protracted. She's only having a bad time. Afterward we'd say what a bad time and Catherine would say it wasn't really bad. But what if she should die? She can't die. Yes, but what if she should die? She can't, I tell you. Don't be a fool. It's just a bad time. It's just nature giving her hell. It's only the first labor, which is almost always protracted. Yes, but what if she should die? She can't die. Why would she die? What reason is there for her to die? There's just a child has to be born, the by-product of good nights in Milan. It makes trouble and is born and you look after it and get fond of it maybe. But what if she should die? She won't die. But what if she should die? She won't. She's all right. But what if she should die? She can't die. But what if she should die? Hey, what about that? What if she should die?
Pohvala svetu - Branko Miljković.
Ne napuštaj me svete
Ne idi naivna lasto
Ne povredite zemlju
Ne dirajte vazduh
Ne učinite nikakvo zlo vodi
Ne posvađajte me sa vatrom !
Pustite me da koračam
prema sebi kao prema svome cilju
Pustite me da govorim vodi
Da govorim zemlji
I ptici koja živi od vazduha
glas moj ispružen kao živac.
Pustite me da govorim
dok ima vatre u meni
Ne napuštaj me svete.
Ne idi naivna lasto. - On je fantastičan i ko zna šta bi još napisao da je duže živeo. Slava mu! Nazivam se kćerkom Njegovom po peru. Bez trunke stida.
- - - - - - - - -
INVICTUS - William Ernest Henry
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole;
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance,
I have not winced, nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance,
my head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade;
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find me, unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll:
I am the master of my fate.
I am the captain of my soul!
Prevod - Iz noći, koja me obavija, crna, kao najdublja jama, zahvaljujem Bogu, koji god da jeste na ovoj neosvojivoj duši. U okrutnim kandžama okolnosti nisam posustao nit' naglas zaplakao. Pod udarima mogućnosti moja glava je krvava ali ne i pognuta!
Izvan ovog mesta gneva i suza vreba samo užas senke. Ali će me zle godine opet tražiti itpronaći NEUPLAŠENOG.
Nije bitno koliko je uska kapija, koliko je ispunjena kaznom neuspeha...
- - - - - - - - - - - -
"Postoje dve tragedije u čovekovom životu.
Jedna je izgubiti ono za čim žudiš.
Druga je dobiti to." - Šo
Preporučite mi neku zabavnu knjigu, prednost imaju one s kraćim pričama. I strani autori. I da ima prevod na naš jezik.
vudi alen - puko bezvlašće
O čemu se radi u tu knjigu?
Znam da Vudi Alen piše knjige al se bojim da ovi iz knjižara neće znat no će me gledat ka da sam panglu. "Momak, Vudi Alen je režiser, on snima filmove. Ako hoćeš nešto od njega pođi u cede šop.".
tako, pričice
svidjeće ti se, kratka i zanimljiva je
(ako je uspiješ naći)
a teško da to ima po bibliotekama. di si to nabavila hidro?
kupila mi frendica u bg-u, ima u ovim fensi knjižarama, kontam, i nije neš skupa
Many have complained that the words of wise men are only ever metaphors that do not apply to everyday life, which is all we have. When a wise man says: 'Cross over', he does not mean that we should cross to the other side of the street, which we could still manage if it were worth our while; he means some mythical Other Side, something we do not know, something he cannot describe any more closer either, and therefore cannot be of any help at all to us here. All these metaphors really only mean that what is incomprehensible is incomprehensible, and we knew that. But what we actually have to put up with every day is something else.
Then somebody said: Why resist? If you abided by the metaphors, you would become metaphors yourselves, and then you would soon be free from everyday troubles.
Someone else said: I bet that's a metaphor, too.
The first person said: You have won.
Te second said: But only metaphorically, alas.
The first said: No, in reality; metaphorically, you have lost.
Haha, zamisli ideš ulicom i neko iz kuće pored koje prolaziš počne da te psuje JEBEM TI MAJKU PIČKO JEDNA, GOVNO JEDNO POSRANO, USTA TI SE JEBEM! i sl.
U pitanju je izvod iz knjige "Drakula" Brema Stokera.
Zamislite muža čija žena, samoubica, leži sada na stolu, jer se pre nekoliko časova bacila sa prozora. Zbunjem, on još nije stigao da pribere svoje misli. Ide po sobama i trudi se da da smisla onome što se dogodilo, da skupi svoje misli u tačku. Osim toga, on je okoreli hipohondar, od onih što razgovaraju sami sa sobom. Evo ga i sad gde razgovara sa samim sobom, prepričava stvar, ulazi u njenu suštinu, bez obzira na prividno logički red reči, on protivureči sebi nekoliko puta, i u logici i u osjećanjima. I opravdava se i okrivljuje u isti mah i upušta se u sporedna objašnjenja.
Dok je ona ovde - još je sve dobro: prolazim i gledam je svaki čas; ali kad je sutra odnesu - šta ću ja sam! Sada je u gostinskoj sobi, na stolu sastavljenom od dva mala, a sanduk će doneti sutra, beli sa belim brokatom...uostalom, nisam to hteo... Stalno šetkam i hoću to da shvatim. Već je, evo, šest časova kako pokušavam da sve to shvatim i nikako ne mogu da saberem misli u tačku. Stvar je u tome što jednako šetam, šetam, šetam...Bilo je ovako. Ispričaću sve redom. (Red!)
"U petak sam se probudio i, s obzirom na to da se svemir širi, trebalo mi je više vremena nego obično da pronađem svoj bade-mantil."
"Puko bezvlašće" Vudi Alen
Ово Кротка беше?
Мајстор и Маргарита
Михаил Булгаков
Za Esme - S ljubavlju i mucninom