
Нису довољне речи, само обичне речи да ме врате у живот

Mora to da bude neko magijsko prizivanje, neki zombi ritual ili božja intervencija tipa "Ustani i hodi!".

Валдемаре, могу ти рећи да су успео донекле да прожмеш оно што сам ја хтео да искажем. Најближи си поенти, ал опет ниси стиго до ње. Поздравио те Печар, он највише воли твоје анализе!

Мене ме занима да ви мене кажете је л' зна неко да протумачи песму Kashmir од Led Zeppelin-а?

Ma 'Kašmir' govori o utopiji, raju, đe se niko ništa ne pita, svi sve znaju, svi ćute i sve je rečeno a u koji se dolazi tako što drmneš po kile pejotla i zgutaš pola bočice LSD-ja.

Oh, let the sun beat down upon my face, stars fill my dreams
I am a traveler of both time and space, to be where I have been
To sit with elders of the gentle race, this world has seldom seen
They talk of days for which they sit and wait, all will be revealed

Talk and song from tongues of lilting grace, sounds caress my ears
But not a word I heard could I relay, the story was quite clear

Oooh, baby I've been flying...Mama, there ain't no denyin'
Oooh yeah, I've been flying, Mama ain't no denyin', no denyin'

Dolaziš u nirvanu, čuda, i onda padaš.

All I see turns to brown, as the sun burns the ground
And my eyes fill with sand, as I scan this wasted land
Tryin' to find....Tryin' to find where I've been.


Krnuo si u zemlju, vraćaš se u realnost.

Onda zoveš dilera.

Oh, pilot of the storm that leaves no trace, like thoughts inside a dream
Heed the path that led me to that place, yellow desert stream

I zatim slijedi ponovo stondiranje u vidu fikusa

My Shangri-La beneath the summer moon, I will return again
Like the dust that lufts high in June, when moving through Kashmir.

Šangri-la je nešto tipa utopija na Himalajima, dostupna samo odabranima.

Ovo ostalo je klasično tripovanje.