Razni testovi ličnosti, šta biste bili u svetu fantazije, i ta pseudonaučna čuda

  1. A pogodili su samo procente ove, ovo dole što piše je besmisleno, ne podnosim Alija i njegovo ponašanje.

  2. pa to, ko što ja nisam jebeni hipik samo zato što me zabole kurci za većinu stvari za koju su postavljali pitanja. i ovaj matriksov test je preglup isto, neka površna pitanja o religiji i to u pravu si smorka onaj prvi je dosad najbolji

  3. The Oracle

    0% Extroversion, 80% Intuition, 44% Emotiveness, 52% Perceptiveness
    Heuristic, detached, and analytical to a fualt, you are most like The Oracle. You are able to tackle any subject with a fine toothed comb, and you possess an ability to pinpoint nuances and shades of meaning that other people do not have and cannot understand. Accomplishment and realization of ideas are, for you, secondary to the rigorous exploration of ideas and questions -- you are, first and foremost, a theorist. You hate authority, convention, tradition, and under no circumstances do you accept a leadership role (although, you will gladly advise leadership when they're going astray, whether they want you to or not). Abstraction and generalities are your interests, details and particulars are usually inconsequential and uninteresting. You excel at language, mathematics and philosophy.

    You are typically easy-going and non-confrontational until someone violates one of the very few principles that you deem sacred, at which point you can fly into a rage. Although you possess a much greater understanding of process and systems than the people around you, you are always conscious of the possibility that you've missed something or made a mistake. You don't tend to become attached to particular theories, and will immediately discard mistaken notions once they're revealed to be incorrect (but you don't tolerate iconoclasts who try to discredit validated theories through the use of fallacies and bad data). Despite being outwardly humble, you probably think of yourself as being smarter than most other people. That's because you are. In fact, in your dealings with people your understanding of their motives is so expansive that you know what they're going to say before they say it, and in world affairs, you usually know what is going to take place before it actually does. This ability would make you unbeatable in debates if only you were a little less pensive about your own conclusions, and a little more outgoing.

    Famous people like you: Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin, Adam Smith, Thomas Jefferson, John McWhorter, Ramanujan, Marie Curie, Kurt Godel
    Stay clear of: Apollo, Icarus, Hermes, Aphrodite
    Seek out: Atlas, Prometheus, Daedalus

    Znači znala sam da je ovo jedan fantastičan test.

  4. ekeke fejl

    You are most like Apollo. You are charismatic, and you act as a teacher and a pedagogue in most circumstances (this teaching instinct is reflected in myth by Apollo's slaying of The Oracle's Python). You have the unique ability to take on a great deal of responsibility, but can often take on too much, even for you. You have a genuine interest in humanity.

    Although typically loved by everyone, you are very likely to find yourself at odds with the Prometheus personality and The Oracle personality. They tend to see you as someone of great talent, but they feel that you're wasting that talent whenever you exercise your people-pleasing side, and they'll interpret your flexibility as being lacking in opinions. In reality, you have your opinions, and you can state them clearly as long as you don't regard them as being too personal -- it's just that you tend to put the needs of others ahead of your own opinions.

    At your worst, you can be manipulative and very hurt by criticism (which The Oracle and Prometheus will be only too happy to dole out to you). Atlas probably doesn't like you either, but he'll keep it to himself.

    Famous people like you: Abraham Lincoln, Gene Hackman, Dennis Hopper, Mikhail Gorbachev
    Stay clear of: The Oracle, Prometheus, Dionysus, Captain Kirk
    Similar Personalities: Aphrodite, Pan, Odysseus

    ispao sam prvo afrodita doduše, al to je gey

  5. gledam da li će ikom stojati u tom testu ono što je stojalo i meni:

    Stay clear of: Civilization

  6. ар пи џи дечко контам да ово нема додира са стварношчу ололо

  7. The Mirror Mage
    38% Strength, 17% Bloodlust, 45% Intelligence, 23% Spirit, 38% Vitality and 27% Agility!
    As swift as the Ninjas, fierce as the Monks, skilled as the Knights, and intelligent as the Spellcasters, the formidable Mirror Mage is probably the class that invokes the most terror and unease in its opponents. Not only are Mirror Mages extremely skilled with a sword, but often they are also masters offensive elemental magic, combat, and martial arts. Furthermore, Mirror Mages are often quite agile and speedy in battle, and some of the greatest Mirror Mages have mastered the art of stealth. However, there is often a tradeoff between skill in stealth and skill in martial arts: Mirror Mages who are more skilled in stealth are less skilled in martial arts and vice versa. On top of all that, Mirror Mages are experts of element magic and can easily launch a slew of powerful spells at their opponents. With their unique combination of abilities, Mirror Mages are a balanced and deadly class able to easily take down any opponent in battle. Lastly, Mirror Mages have one final incredible ability that surpasses all their others: the ability to use their powerful light magic to copy almost any opponent's spells or techniques. Using their light based mirror magic, Mirror Mages gain the ability to use almost any power their opponent uses. For example, if an opponent uses a special martial arts move or unleashes a powerful spell, Mirror Mages can use their own magic to instantly learn how to perform those abilities; however, Mirror Mages must first have the capacity to use those abilities. In other words, a Mirror Mage with low levels of agility and stealth would not be able to use any techniques copied from a Ninja. Similarly, a Mirror Mage with no knowledge of dark and light magic would not be able to use the powers and spells copied from an opponent who uses dark and light magic. Yet even with these restrictions, the Mirror Mage is still a truly amazing class!

  8. The Swift Mage
    23% Strength, 15% Bloodlust, 32% Intelligence, 25% Spirit, 27% Vitality and 15% Agility!
    Class description under construction! Please check back soon!

    Kako me vrhunski izjeba, sunce mu jebem.

  9. The Archangel

    You have been judged! You scored ###!
    Although not totally pure, your bad traits are probably used for a greater good, like the warrior angels from which you are named. You are willing to get your hands dirty to help others, although you may have a vice or two as well. As long as you stay true to your morals, you can avoid slipping into the darkness. Unless you wish to.

    А миииицаааааа

  10. Сморило ово, мени испао Дедал, Хипик и Гранд Бискуп. Реално добра је ова епска прича кроз шуму и вулкан али остало ме сморило сад.

  11. The Swift Mage
    23% Strength, 15% Bloodlust, 32% Intelligence, 25% Spirit, 27% Vitality and 15% Agility!
    Class description under construction! Please check back soon!

    Kako me vrhunski izjeba, sunce mu jebem.

    Hahahahahhahahaha, i Covpa isto. :)

    Slažem se sa Kikijem, samo taj prvi test je bio kul i detaljan, ovo ostalo onako.
    A niko nije otključo moći od duha, kaže ManUtdown da je to jer ste tamo odabrali besmrtnost, omniscience ili omnipotence a ne ono sami ćete se snaći. Pa koje ste od ta tri odabrali?

  12. Ja sam odabrao to da ću se sam snaći, al nisam dovršio test jer nisam video onu sliku što treba da se upiše da dokažeš da si čovjek.

  13. Ja nisam imala pitanja da dokazujem da nisam botina. :( Probaj još jednom, stvarno je kul test. :)

  14. Evo ga, nisam video ispod da ima ono "No thanks, just show me results."

    The Ninja Sennin

    12% Strength, 32% Bloodlust, 35% Intelligence, 40% Spirit, 27% Vitality and 43% Agility!

    Ninja Sennin are able to become one with nature and absorb the energy of the world around them to enhance their strength, stealth, and agility. By becoming one with nature, the Ninja Sennin are able to feel, connect with, and channel the lifeforce of all living creatures surrounding them, thus raising their senses, powers, and abilities to godly levels. Ninja Sennin often have some skill with the basic elements though certainly not as much as the spellcaster classes. Usually, Ninja Sennin have a natural affinity for one or two different elements and will try to train those exclusively. However, by combining their weak elemental magic with their own energy and the energy of the world around them, they can create devastatingly powerful techniques and spells that no other class can perform. Their stealthiness and formidable power may make them seem like dark and ferocious foes, but deep down they are often truly benevolent and wise; however, Ninja Sennin that cannot control any darkness and hate within them will certainly fall into madness and chaos. Those who can master this darkness will know what it means to be truly alive and at peace with the world.
    Congratulations on reaching this high class!
    You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.

  15. E, onda ne znam kako funkcionišu te hidden powers, pošto i ti nisi birao nijednu. Ja sam neku keotik stabiliti dobila, da bih moga biti keos fentom (neki mračno-svetli haos master), pored toga i DemonicInsanity i AngelicLuminosity. :) I ti si kul dobrica kao Džordi. :)

    Još jedna slika sa tim (ima malo pre dve).

  16. E i ja sam dobrica, imam isto Keotik stabiliti, i Andželik luminositi i to sve.

  17. Ja ne znam, svima piše makar kojoj su strani naklonjeniji, mada naravno ima i izuzetaka u svakoj klasi, meni baš ništa što se toga tiče ne piše, samo da imam u balansu svetlost i tamu i da se uglavnom držim podalje od ljudi, da se to ne poremeti forever alone. Neki plaćenik valjda, dovri, zli, sve vas volim. :)

  18. pff niko me nije nadmašio u bloodlustu

  19. Da, ti ono 50 posto, to je više od koliko odsto ljudi koji su radili taj test? Bar 90%? :)
    Je l' imao neko chaotic stability preko 76%?

  20. The Silver Hand

    25% Strength, 18% Bloodlust, 25% Intelligence, 52% Spirit, 47% Vitality and 22% Agility!

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Google · 17. April 2015.