Razni testovi ličnosti, šta biste bili u svetu fantazije, i ta pseudonaučna čuda

  1. Е Чаче ти исти ја

  2. Niko nije ispao kejos fentoooom, samo Manijak (iz drugog puta) je ispao još luđe, onaj Mad Jester. xD

  3. You scored 10% on Strength, higher than 6% of your peers.

    You scored 33% on Bloodlust, higher than 72% of your peers.

    You scored 50% on Intelligence, higher than 86% of your peers.

    You scored 43% on Spirit, higher than 72% of your peers.

    You scored 37% on Vitality, higher than 75% of your peers.

    You scored 15% on Agility, higher than 11% of your peers.

    You scored 12% on AlchemicSorcery, higher than 29% of your peers.

    You scored 96% on PsionicForce, higher than 100% of your peers.

    You scored 4% on ExplosiveEnergy, higher than 18% of your peers.

    You scored 12% on ChaoticStability, higher than 54% of your peers.

    You scored 32% on AngelicLuminosity, higher than 67% of your peers.

    You scored 28% on DemonicInsanity, higher than 74% of your peers.

    You scored 16% on NecromanticWizardry, higher than 52% of your peers.

    You scored 8% on EnchantedEngineering, higher than 5% of your peers.

    You scored 0% on ElementalArchery, higher than 20% of your peers.

    You scored 13% on HiddenPower, higher than 23% of your peers.

    Psionic FTW!

  4. http://www.okcupid.com/tests/awakening-the-hero-within-hero-archetype-test-1

    You are the Creator

    57% Innocent, 36% Orphan, 43% Warrior, 76% Caregiver, 48% Seeker, 54% Lover, 37% Destroyer, 85% Creator, 57% Magician, 53% Ruler, 76% Sage and 63% Fool!

    Goal: Identity

    Fear: Inauthenticity

    Response to Dragon/Problem: Claim it as part of the self

    Task: self-creation, self-acceptance

    Gift: Individuality, vocation

    Addictions: Work, creativity

    The Creator is the center of improvement, always striving to create and better her/his surroundings. The Soul is the center of the Creator’s dance, and it seeks to find a deeper sense of self and wisdom even at the price of the Ego’s functions of keeping us healthy and functioning. The Soul is the source of our freewill, and the healthy creator can tap into the potential, creating circumstances while others feel acted upon by her/his actions.

    The Creator is driven to be authentic despite the costs. Creators are threatening to Warriors and Seekers, who are very concerned with how things are ‘supposed’ to be.

  5. You are the Fool!
    62% Innocent, 19% Orphan, 50% Warrior, 69% Caregiver, 46% Seeker, 68% Lover, 46% Destroyer, 83% Creator, 44% Magician, 67% Ruler, 71% Sage and 87% Fool!
    Goal: Enjoyment
    Fear: Nonaliveness
    Response to Dragon/Problem: Play tricks on it
    Task: Trust in the process
    Gift: Joy, freedom

    Addictions: Excitement, cocaine, alcohol

    The Fool is the archetype most helpful in dealing with the absurdities of the modern world and with faceless, amorphous modern bureaucracies– places where no one takes personal responsibility, rules are expected to be followed mo matter how absurd they might be, and the tables are incredibly stacked against individual effectiveness. A Jester does not merely provide entertainment, but also points out the failings of the kingdom to a wise Ruler. Thus, Fools are often the most serious archetype of all. The Fool often violates social norms in humourous ways to avoid provoking undue hostility.
    A Fool’s politics are anarchistic. Fools are resilient, and are willing to stand up and try again despite failing. The Fool enjoys the contest of the wits even in the most dangerous or offensive of circumstances, and hates being bored.

    Shadow Fool:
    When such energy is not allowed, it simply goes underground, and in doing so becomes negative, undermining force. The Shadow Fool delights in breaking rules, regardless of the consequences. Unbridled and undisciplined sensuality, madness, and multiple personalities or personas are usually the results of the force of the Shadow Fool. The Shadow Fool has an unrealistic vision of what is required for survival, emotions, and relationships and believes that in order to succeed at conventional norms, one must work all of the time, so there is no use in undertaking any conventional task.
    Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)

    You scored 62% on Innocent, higher than 67% of your peers.

    You scored 19% on Orphan, higher than 7% of your peers.

    You scored 50% on Warrior, higher than 16% of your peers.

    You scored 69% on Caregiver, higher than 47% of your peers.

    You scored 46% on Seeker, higher than 5% of your peers.

    You scored 68% on Lover, higher than 81% of your peers.

    You scored 46% on Destroyer, higher than 35% of your peers.

    You scored 83% on Creator, higher than 68% of your peers.

    You scored 44% on Magician, higher than 19% of your peers.

    You scored 67% on Ruler, higher than 62% of your peers.

    You scored 71% on Sage, higher than 79% of your peers.

    You scored 87% on Fool, higher than 95% of your peers.

  6. Koliko su omašili Innocence.

  7. Isti rezultat ko Mančester iznad.

  8. The Fenrir Knight
    33% Strength, 40% Bloodlust, 13% Intelligence, 13% Spirit, 25% Vitality and 25% Agility!
    Named after the legendary wolf, Fenrir, you are a warrior of unrivaled ferocity and power. The Fenrir Knights are able to summon incredibly savage dark beasts to do their bidding. In addition, by using their summoning abilities Fenrir Knights have the unique ability to summon weapons and armor from alternate dimensions and locations. This essentially allows them to travel more lightly and counter opponents more easily by enabling them to freely choose the weapons and armor that can best help them win in battle. Not suprisingly, Fenrir Knights travel the world collecting the most powerful magical weapons and armor to help them become even more unstoppable and deadly than they already are. By augmenting those weapons with insanely powerful dark magic, all who stand in the path of the Fenrir Knight die a bloody and painful death. Masters of slaying with a sword and other weapons, the Fenrir Knights are truly fearsome foes.
    Congratulations on reaching this high class!
    You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.

  9. The Rune Weaver
    32% Strength, 20% Bloodlust, 20% Intelligence, 37% Spirit, 38% Vitality and 18% Agility!
    By drawing runes with their feet, Rune Weavers are able to quickly and easily create powerful and deadly spells. Oftentimes, Rune Weavers are skilled dancers, and they will often draw their runes through the art of dance. Although not skilled with a sword, Rune Weavers are often quite nimble and powerful, making them difficult opponents to defeat in battle. By combining the power of their martial arts with the flexibility of their dance, Rune Weavers can effortlessly outmaneuver and defeat their foes. In addition, by synchronizing their martial arts with their rune weaving, they can both physically attack their opponents and simultaneously cast spells with the runes they draw with their feet. This ability to use both incredibly powerful magic and physically attacks at the same time is a unique and deadly skill that almost no other class possesses. Although all Rune Weavers are quite skilled with light and healing magic, there are a few that have learned to use destructive elemental magic and powerful psionic energy.
    Congratulations on achieving this powerful class!
    This is a rare mixed class that requires at least three variables to be extremely high.
    You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.

  10. скочко то сма и ја испала и још двоје њих на теми :д

  11. Trišino je kul. Nikom još nije duh dao posebnu moć? Samo meni? Ili i Manijaku? :)

    Ovo Brusovo deluje kul, saću duradim.

  12. Реци другарици да јој је тест го курац :)

  13. Šta si, ispao? Bez klase, pa si se razočarao?

  14. You are the Caregiver!

    66% Innocent, 30% Orphan, 53% Warrior, 87% Caregiver, 67% Seeker, 57% Lover, 35% Destroyer, 76% Creator, 66% Magician, 72% Ruler, 57% Sage and 87% Fool!

    Goal: Help others.

    Fear: Selfishness

    Response to Dragon/Problem: Take care of it or those it harms

    Task: Give without maiming self or others

    Gift: Compassion, generosity

    Addictions: Caretaking, codependence

    The ideal of the Caregiver is the perfect, caring parent—generative, loving, and attentive to noticing and developing talents and interests. The Caregiver is the creator of community that helps people feel that they belong and are valued and cared for by encouraging nurturing relationships between and among individuals and constituencies.

    Shadow Side:

    Shadow caregivers wish to maintain indefinitely the symbiotic state experienced by mother and child, devouring the growing protégé to try to keep it or make it part of his or her own self. The irony, of course, is that Shadow Caregivers devour others while also feeling devoured themselves by the caregiving roles. In fact, protégés are often driven or manipulated into doing what the Shadow Caregiver would like to be doing in an unlived life. A Shadow caregiver also may feel that s/he never gets anything back for his/her trouble. However, this type of Shadow caregiver also cannot get anything back, because s/he refuses to receive. These Caregivers may use the guilt and obligation they inspire in others to get their own way.

    You scored 87% on Caregiver, higher than 97% of your peers.
    You scored 87% on Fool, higher than 95% of your peers.
    You scored 66% on Magician, higher than 89% of your peers.
    You scored 72% on Ruler, higher than 83% of your peers.

    ManUtdOwn18, Манијак, nešto mi deluje ovi vaši procenti slični mom. :)

  15. Ма сморио сам се максимално, срање је тест :)
    Подсети ме да ти дам 10 минуса на дефке, кад будем имо времена.

  16. Aj probajte ovo.

    Pa, mogao si bar rezultat da okačiš? Nama je bio baš kul (test). :P Probaj ovaj test iznad, nije dugačak. :P

  17. E pa da, i maloпре сам стао код
    Sign up and get your results
    Мрзи ме да се региструјем, јебите се манекени

  18. Ne treba da se registruješ, samo klikni ispod nah just the result. Sitnim slovima piše.

  19. Ево Брусов тест

    You are the Caregiver!

    47% Innocent, 38% Orphan, 69% Warrior, 91% Caregiver, 46% Seeker, 62% Lover, 37% Destroyer, 67% Creator, 66% Magician, 74% Ruler, 56% Sage and 57% Fool!

    Goal: Help others.
    Fear: Selfishness
    Response to Dragon/Problem: Take care of it or those it harms
    Task: Give without maiming self or others
    Gift: Compassion, generosity
    Addictions: Caretaking, codependence

    The ideal of the Caregiver is the perfect, caring parent—generative, loving, and attentive to noticing and developing talents and interests. The Caregiver is the creator of community that helps people feel that they belong and are valued and cared for by encouraging nurturing relationships between and among individuals and constituencies.

    Shadow Side:
    Shadow caregivers wish to maintain indefinitely the symbiotic state experienced by mother and child, devouring the growing protégé to try to keep it or make it part of his or her own self. The irony, of course, is that Shadow Caregivers devour others while also feeling devoured themselves by the caregiving roles. In fact, protégés are often driven or manipulated into doing what the Shadow Caregiver would like to be doing in an unlived life. A Shadow caregiver also may feel that s/he never gets anything back for his/her trouble. However, this type of Shadow caregiver also cannot get anything back, because s/he refuses to receive. These Caregivers may use the guilt and obligation they inspire in others to get their own way.

Rekli o sajtu

U busu se devojka svadja preko fona da se ne kaze Vukajlija nego Vujaklija za recnik... ocaj na njenom licu kad je shvatila da ne moze objasniti

Mokoš · 11. Maj 2011.