Osim velikih istorijskih i nacionalnih zabluda, podložni smo i onim „sitnijim”, ali koje nam određuju svakodnevicu. „Ne valja da se sedi na kućnom pragu, posebno kad grmi”, „Hleb od 500 grama je opšteprihvaćen pod nazivom kilo hleba”, „Ne valja da se zviždi u kući, to privlači miševe”, „Ne valja da se otvara kišobran u kući”, „Žvakanje žvaka može da deformiše vilicu”, „Ma koliko vruće i zagušljivo bilo, ne otvarati prozor, ubiće promaja”, navode na popularnom internet portalu „Vukajlija” niz sujeverja i zabluda našeg naroda.
Politika · 31. Januar 2011.
Hahahaha, ja sam pet, ali sam na neke sumnjala, mada opet nisam bila sigurna. :=)
Ево и ја сам урадио ово. Резултат:
10% Strength, 22% Bloodlust, 62% Intelligence, 40% Spirit, 20% Vitality and 25% Agility!
Instead of using magic to manipulate the elements and the world around them, Psionic Strikers will use their mind and mental energy. By focusing their mind, Psionic Strikers can use telekinesis to lift objects and even unleash powerful blasts and shields of mental energy. As masters of martial arts, Psionic Strikers can even use their telekinesis to increase the physical power of their punches and kicks or they can use it to levitate. Against weaker opponents, Psionic Strikers may use their powers to mentally shatter a person's neck or spine. By using their telepathy, Psionic Strikers can read their opponent's mind, and thus more easily predict their next move in battle. This makes them extremely difficult to counter because they always know what you are going to do next. Their telepathy can even be used to speak into another person's mind and plant thoughts and ideas there. They can use this power to manipulate and control their opponents, thus allowing them to turn any battle in their favor. Psionic Strikers often have a passion for death and battle, and some have mastered forms of dark magic. By fusing this dark magic with their psychic energy, Psionic Strikers can create and unleash devasting blasts of powerful energy from their mind and fists. On the other hand, some Psionic Strikers are more peaceful and have mastered forms of light magic, which they can also fuse with their psionic energy. In addition, Psionic Strikers can use their mastery over moon magic to enhance their strength and agility by transforming at night into various wild and ferocious beast-human hybrids.
Congratulations on reaching this frighteningly powerful class!
This is a special class and requires a very high amount of Psionic Force. You scored 76% on this variable!
The Genie, impressed by your choices, has granted you the Hidden Power of Psionic Force.
Ваља л' ово ишта? Мрзи ме да читам шта су накењали о мени.
Štetočina dobio moć od duha. Pu!
Ovaj je kao ja.
Ali sam ga odvalio na Psionic Forsu.
Svi su kul. Ne znam koliko kojih ima?
Čega? :O
Pa koliko ima ljudi od svake klase? :) Recimo toliko i toliko nindži, ovih onih... :)
Prebrojaću kasnije, pa napisati ja. :)
Aa to. Samo ja i ovaj smo Psionic. Ima Sennina dosta i onih Glidera.
Evo sad ću da napravim listu, pa objavljujem. :)
Lista da ide u uvodni post.
А ко'ко си ти им'о на том Форсу, Манчо? Ниси напис'о...
You scored 96% on PsionicForce, higher than 100% of your peers.
Taj sam, piše na pretprošloj.
Је л' то исти тест? Има сто неких резултата...
Видим тамо на првој-другој страни да си много крволочан. Ја сам нека добра верзија тебе. :Д
Isti test, samo ti ovo za neke kao nepoznate karakteristike piše ispod teksta.
Ajde stavljam na uvodni post, taman sam sad videla da tako tražite. :P
Ja sam ponosta na svoje ChaoticStability, DemonicInsanity i AngelicLuminosity. :)
A ovo Mančesterovo (jer ti to nadimak, nekako me nervira stalno da ti kopiram ovaj originalni, moram nekako da te zovem :) ), brate 100% of your peers. Kul. :)
Može i Manč. :)
You scored 12% on ChaoticStability, higher than 54% of your peers.
You scored 32% on AngelicLuminosity, higher than 67% of your peers.
You scored 28% on DemonicInsanity, higher than 74% of your peers.
You scored 16% on NecromanticWizardry, higher than 52% of your peers.
Ali ovo ostalo mi je osrednje baš.
Ja bacam neke mađije. Valjda.
10% Strength, 22% Bloodlust, 30% Intelligence, 45% Spirit, 40% Vitality and 40% Agility!
By drawing runes with their feet, Rune Weavers are able to quickly and easily create powerful and deadly spells. Oftentimes, Rune Weavers are skilled dancers, and they will often draw their runes through the art of dance. Although not skilled with a sword, Rune Weavers are often quite nimble and powerful, making them difficult opponents to defeat in battle. By combining the power of their martial arts with the flexibility of their dance, Rune Weavers can effortlessly outmaneuver and defeat their foes. In addition, by synchronizing their martial arts with their rune weaving, they can both physically attack their opponents and simultaneously cast spells with the runes they draw with their feet. This ability to use both incredibly powerful magic and physically attacks at the same time is a unique and deadly skill that almost no other class possesses. Although all Rune Weavers are quite skilled with light and healing magic, there are a few that have learned to use destructive elemental magic and powerful psionic energy.
Congratulations on achieving this powerful class!
This is a rare mixed class that requires at least three variables to be extremely high.
You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.