Razni testovi ličnosti, šta biste bili u svetu fantazije, i ta pseudonaučna čuda

  1. Kosta! A, jebote, koliko nesliterinsko ime. lololololo
    Nani sam poslala u PVT, baš me zanima šta će ona ispasti, mislim isto Sliterin. lolololo

  2. Your result for The Personality Defect Test ...
    Haughty Intellectual
    You are 86% Rational, 14% Extroverted, 43% Brutal, and 57% Arrogant.
    You are the Haughty Intellectual. You are a very rational person, emphasizing logic over emotion, and you are also rather arrogant and self-aggrandizing. You probably think of yourself as an intellectual, and you would like everyone to know it. Not only that, but you also tend to look down on others, thinking yourself better than them. You could possibly have an unhealthy obsession with yourself as well, thus causing everyone to hate you for being such an elitist twat. On top of all that, you are also introverted and gentle. This means that you are just a quiet thinker who wants fame and recognition, in all likelihood. Like so many countless pseudo-intellectuals swarming around vacuous internet forums to discuss worthless political issues, your kind is a scourge upon humanity, blathering and blathering on and on about all kinds of boring crap. If your personality could be sculpted, the resulting piece would be Rodin's "The Thinker"--although I am absolutely positive that you are not nearly as muscular or naked as that statue. Rather lacking in emotion, introspective, gentle, and arrogant, you are most certainly a Haughty Intellectual! And, most likely, you will never achieve the recognition or fame you so desire! But no worries!

    To put it less negatively:
    1. You are more RATIONAL than intuitive.
    2. You are more INTROVERTED than extroverted.
    3. You are more GENTLE than brutal.
    4. You are more ARROGANT than humble.

  3. Kosta! A, jebote, koliko nesliterinsko ime. lololololo

    и онда упаднеш у Слитерин и само се насмејеш, а сви се плаше. хуахуахуахуахуа

  4. mnjsmdsdno, mi smo na nekom drugom testu, ali dobro, i ovi staru su kul. lololo Naročito onaj prvi ako nisi rešavao. :) Zanimljiv ti je rezultat, on bi verovatno u Rejvenklololo.

    и онда упаднеш у Слитерин и само се насмејеш, а сви се плаше. хуахуахуахуахуа

    A pazi mene! Daphne... Kao Melfojeva devojka, žena watevar, tooootally slića. :D

  5. Dobar test, detaljan u pičku materinu

    The Battle Warlock

    45% Strength, 27% Bloodlust, 48% Intelligence, 25% Spirit, 20% Vitality and 23% Agility!

    An expert with both magic and a sword, the Battle Warlock is certainly a balanced and deadly class. Battle Warlocks are quite skilled with a sword and can effortlessly combine this prowess with the art of magic, allowing them to create powerful and deadly combinations that no other class can. Battle Warlocks excel in an unusual element that no other class can utilize: metal. Being so unique, their metal magic often catches their foes offguard providing the Battle Warlock with an easy victory. Battle Warlocks can even use their metal magic to transform the shape of their own weapons mid-battle to confuse and disorient their opponents. On top of that, anyone who attacks the Battle Warlock with metal weapons and armor stands no hope of winning. A slash of an opponent's blade will simply melt harmlessly off the Battle Warlock, and an opponent's protective armor can be morphed by the Battle Warlock into a spikey prison of death. With the unique ability to morph metal into any shape they desire, Battle Warlocks are fearsome and powerful warriors. Although Battle Warlocks specialize in metal magic they are also proficient in the other basic elements. Indeed, the Battle Warlock's most powerful spell combines fire and metal magic by summoning powerful, fiery meteors from the sky that rain down mercilessly on all who dare oppose the Battle Warlock.

    Congratulations on achieving this high class!

    You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.

  6. Kuuuuul Grujane, mislim da je to prvi takav rezultat ovde. Meni se baš sviđa onaj moj kejos fentom, i to što imam ogroman angelic luminosity i demonik inseniti u isto vreme. :) Evo tebe:

  7. Smorka ispade ovde najkontraverzniji lik :)

    Ladno ima 100 rezultata, baš su se potrudili.

  8. Who? Me? :) Imaš u uvodu o meni, ako te zanima. lolololo Dodala sam te tamo u listu, yup, jedini ti imaš taj rezultat. :)
    Ja sam još dobila moć duha chaotic stability, HAHHAHHA, pa sad ti vidi. Mada sve tamo tako i piše da je u haosu, pa uglavnom lutam sama da me neko ne sjebe iz ravnoteže dobra i zla pa da nastradaju svi okolo.

  9. To sam i mislio, smorka tera orderly chaos :)

    Aha, pogledao sam par rezultata s teme pre nego što sam počeo test da vidim da li da se cimam ili su napisali samo: "you are a templar knight, religious and badass".
    E baš kao na ovom testu koji si transformers, prvo mi dao tie break pitanje jer ne zna šta će sa mnom i onda mi izbaci samo
    "You're a Quintesson. You're a creepy ass mofo who created all the Transformers."

  10. Meni ispalo The Battle Warlock :)

  11. Hm... Ima tu jedna zanimljiva teorija po mom mišljenju....
    Svi molekuli teže ka nekom neuređenom stanju (haos) pošto im je prosto lakše da zauzmu taj takav oblik (opšta emija jebe!), recimo kada bi uzo kolica sa ciglama i bacio na pod, da li je veća šansa da padnu sređene u zid ili onako razbacane svuda? Makar u izolovanim sistemima je tako. Pa sad ako je čovek sam (mentalno izolovan)... Da li mu više padaju haotične misli na pamet, kada bi imo mađiju? lololo VAljda su zato ti čarobnjaci samotnjaci.

    Ili ovo....
    Realno uvek ovako nešto sjebano i bezoblično.
    Sređeno i oblikovano...
    I uvek tako... Maybe there is something in this. :)

  12. "You're a Quintesson. You're a creepy ass mofo who created all the Transformers."

    Ahhahahahhahahahahhaha! Je l' znaš kako izgledaju oni? :D

    Kile, ubacujemo u uvodni post. :)

  13. Ahhahahahhahahahahhaha! Je l' znaš kako izgledaju oni? :D

    Ehh, neki đavolski zgodni momci, pretpostavljam?

    Ono za haos važi i u termodinamici, priroda teži maksimalnoj entropiji, to jes haosu, za uvođenje reda moraš da utrošiš energiju.

  14. The Dragon Master
    22% Strength, 43% Bloodlust, 38% Intelligence, 33% Spirit, 25% Vitality and 17% Agility!
    Evo i mojih rezultata :)

  15. Ono za haos važi i u termodinamici, priroda teži maksimalnoj entropiji, to jes haosu, za uvođenje reda moraš da utrošiš energiju.

    Jap, jap, i to izučavali, to i jeste to. :)

    Ehh, neki đavolski zgodni momci, pretpostavljam?

    Ma, prelepi!

    Trošarinac, ti si valjda najopakiji, kao Brus, će te utefterimo. :)

  16. Raven, upisana si. U kom smeru vam se vrtela ova plesačica kada ste je prvi put videli?

  17. Levo se vrti, suprotno od kazaljke na satu.

  18. Виђао сам ово још негде у време настанка интернета лоло
    Окреће се у смеру казаљке на сату.

  19. sve sam sjebo na kraju.u kurac!

Rekli o sajtu

U nedostatku mesta u Vujaklijinom ili kojem drugom rečniku na internetu postoji mnoštvo sajtova, među njima Vukajlija, gde možete da vidite na kakav sve način ljudi vole da razgovaraju na opšte zgražavanje lingvista. Tako da se tamo može videti da ljudi fejsbukuju, fejsbuče, da im je fejs ubagovao. Ili čak poređenje čuvenog prideva „kul”: kul, kulji, najkulji.

Emisija RTS-a "Oko Magazin · 24. Novembar 2009.