Razni testovi ličnosti, šta biste bili u svetu fantazije, i ta pseudonaučna čuda

  1. To je sve isti test, samo možeš da ga skratiš ako klikneš na onim dvema pričama end quest. :)
    Za sliku ukucaj šta si dobio na gugl pikčurs i izaći će ti. Mada mislim da je Džordi dobio isto što i ti, sad da li je stavio sliku... :) Samo ukucaj, pa postavi.

  2. да знам то, него сам мислио да има дужа верзија ако одеш преко линка оног што ти нуди на почетку. значи:

    нинџа сенин, не знам шта значи сенин. ал до јаја је.

    The Ninja Sennin
    20% Strength, 12% Bloodlust, 22% Intelligence, 52% Spirit, 23% Vitality and 52% Agility!
    Ninja Sennin are able to become one with nature and absorb the energy of the world around them to enhance their strength, stealth, and agility. By becoming one with nature, the Ninja Sennin are able to feel, connect with, and channel the lifeforce of all living creatures surrounding them, thus raising their senses, powers, and abilities to godly levels. Ninja Sennin often have some skill with the basic elements though certainly not as much as the spellcaster classes. Usually, Ninja Sennin have a natural affinity for one or two different elements and will try to train those exclusively. However, by combining their weak elemental magic with their own energy and the energy of the world around them, they can create devastatingly powerful techniques and spells that no other class can perform. Their stealthiness and formidable power may make them seem like dark and ferocious foes, but deep down they are often truly benevolent and wise; however, Ninja Sennin that cannot control any darkness and hate within them will certainly fall into madness and chaos. Those who can master this darkness will know what it means to be truly alive and at peace with the world.
    Congratulations on reaching this high class!
    You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.

    има две слике и јбг боља је ова од пичке лоло


    до јаја што си нашла квиз :)

  3. Vidi stvarno ima još duži test. Mada i ovaj je bio super. :)

  4. сио давида како има набуџен агилити, како јеботе

  5. ваљало би и тај дужи урадити :)

    капирам да је стрелама стелтом ивејдовањем неам појма, а видо сам неког има 68 аџилитија чини ми се.

  6. Znači, kad koristim isključivo mozak, onda sam Star Glider, ali kad pustim osećanja da valjaju:

    The Hex Blade
    37% Strength, 48% Bloodlust, 42% Intelligence, 15% Spirit, 32% Vitality and 15% Agility!
    Evil, deadly, and sneaky, Hex Blades bring misfortune and destruction to anyone nearby. Hex Blades are masters of dark magic, chaotic magic, and casting curses, which they use to defeat their opponents. By combining dark with light energy, Hex Blades can unleash a wide array of curses that inflict harm and misery upon anyone who opposes them. In fact, strong warriors will become weak and useless in the face of the powerful and chaotic curses of the Hex Blades. On top of that, Hex Blades naturally cast an aura of shadow and misfortune around them making any foes slightly more unlucky. Conversely, some Hex Blades have high levels of spirit, which actually increases their own luck and makes them more fortunate in battle. By combining misfortune for the enemy and good luck for themselves, deadly enemy attacks simply graze past the Hex Blades, allowing them to turn the flow of any battle in their favor. Although Hex Blades are skilled with dark magic, they may occasionally also be quite skilled with light and elemental magic. For example, some Hex Blades can torment and torture their foes with powerful elemental curses, while others may augment their own dark hex magic with powerful divine magic to produce chaotic results. Even without elemental magic, Hex Blades can easily overcome their opponents with their swordsmanship. Hex Blades happen to be masters with swords and other bladed weapons, which they will often use to mercilessly trounce their enemies.
    Congratulations on achieving this powerful class!
    This is a rare mixed class that requires at least three variables to be extremely high.
    You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.


  7. jao, meni ispalo isto ko marcipan! samo nesam vidla sliku

    The Silver Hand

    18% Strength, 12% Bloodlust, 30% Intelligence, 48% Spirit, 45% Vitality and 30% Agility!

    The Silver Hand is both a martial arts expert and a master of light magic. Specifically Silver Hands either use their magic to launch blasts of powerful light based energy from their fists, or they us it for healing and restoring life to those whose lives are fading. With the ability to cure any illness or disease, Silver Hands are often viewed as gods to those around them. As one of the most pure and benevolent classes, Silver Hands almost solely walk the path of good rather than evil. However, because of their proficiency with life and moon magic, it is not uncommon for them to occassionally use their powers for the side of darkness. Just as they can give life, they can also drain it and absorb it as their own thus becoming even more powerful. By absorbing another's life energy they are literally absorbing their power, spirit, and will and are able to use it to enhance their own power. Furthermore, their moon magic can be used to transform themselves and others from humans into ghastly creatures of darkness.

    Congratulations on reaching this high class!

    You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.

  8. uuuuu pa ja jebem!

  9. Prekul je slika. :)

    Davide, sad ću da probam taj duži test. Trenutno plačem jer je ova poslednja epizoda Transformersa (u drugoj sezoni) predobra, i Optumus je kreten, i onda je morao da se žrtvuje, ko mu kriv kad je kreten, KAKO ME NERVIRA! Nije ni čudo što je Meg mnogo bolji i ima i vojsku i uskoro obe planete, sve, a ovi sad ništa nemaju, kreten, zašto je morao da se toliko žrtvuje, kreten!

    Lemajo, evo ti i ženska verzija. :)

  10. sad ću da probam taj duži test.

    Đe? Daj link!

  11. http://www.helloquizzy.com/tests/the-fantasy-rpg-class-test

    Mislim da je na ovaj link mislio, taj je u opisu. Ako je to, neka potvrdi David. :) Da uradimo i to. :)

  12. 18% Strength, 12% Bloodlust, 30% Intelligence, 48% Spirit, 45% Vitality and 30% Agility!

    Ti si osoba od 152%

  13. @smorka: au sestro slatka, pa tek sad jebem! ista ja!

    @petar: pa da, to ja pričam sve vreme - ja sam riba ipo, a kad smršam biću riba

  14. 18% Strength, 12% Bloodlust, 30% Intelligence, 48% Spirit, 45% Vitality and 30% Agility!

    Tu se misli koliko si skorovao od maksimuma za svaku klasu pojedinačno, ne ukupno. :)

    smorka: au sestro slatka, pa tek sad jebem! ista ja!


  15. a odakle vam te slike?

  16. Ukucaš na Gugl pkčrs svoju klasu, trebalo bi da ima u ovom opširnijem kvizu. :)

  17. a kjoja je moja klasa?lolo

  18. Pa idi nađi tamo. Testir'o si se valjda. :P

  19. jel pise u onom tekstu sto sam ovde kopipejstovao?

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Biznisblog · 26. Decembar 2007.