
Najjače da ti bude loše od hidroksihlorokvina haha u najgorem slučaju retka stolica i mikrobioma bez, popiješ kefir fazon

To se odnosi na retardirano visoke doze naravno

ne ozb sad, jel ima budale koja je zgutala to jer je triforce rekao da leci koronu?

Ja sam zgutao pola litre neke bele tekućine, reko mi neki čovek u jednoj uličici da kleknem, zatvorim oči, i isisam je iz nekog kožnog creva iz sve snage. I ja koronu nemam just sayin

Device Description
The Innova SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test claimed to determine if a person had an active COVID-19 infection. The test uses a nasal swab sample and test strip to detect specific proteins, called antigens, from the SARS-CoV-2 virus. If the nasal sample had SARS-CoV-2 antigens, a colored test line should have appeared on the test strip indicating a person may have COVID-19. If the nasal sample did not have SARS-CoV-2 antigens, a colored line should not have appeared on the test strip. The test has not been authorized, cleared, or approved by the FDA for distribution or use in the United States, and it has been recalled by Innova Medical Group, Inc.

Potential Risk of False Results
The Innova SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test claimed to determine if a person had an active COVID-19 infection using a nasal swab sample and test strip. The Innova Medical Group SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test, however, does not have authorization, clearance, or approval from the FDA. In addition, the FDA has significant concerns that the performance of the Innova Medical Group SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test device has not been adequately established, presenting a risk of false results.

Šta se dešava sa FDA ovakvi potezi nisu za očekivati od njih

I još nešto, lečenje hidroksihlorokinom se odnosi na virus u početnim fazama a ne da te puste da sediš kući i lečiš upalu pluća čajevima 10 dana i onda prime u bolnicu.
To se nije radilo ni sa običnim upalama pluća...

NEW - Positive PCR test results do not sufficiently prove that people infected with #SARSCoV2 can infect others with the coronavirus and are unsuitable on their own as a basis for pandemic measures, new research that included 190k results from 160k people at the UDE Faculty of Medicine in Germany concludes.


Sevast kannst du dein Unterschrift geben? Vielen dank

Iz svega ovoga zaključio sam da je kovid nastao zbog vakcine, a ne obratno

Tj. i zbog izbora u Americi, ali prvenstveno zbog vakcine

Stize ovo indijsko govno. Vakcinisite se. Razlozi su mi sebicni sto vas teram. Ne sedi mi se po 8 sati u skafanderu na 40 stepeni

Jokic izdo, Seremi se vise od nji
Bakcine nerade

Doktore, kako to vakcine iskorenise mnogo teze bolesti i to posle jedne doze a ovoliko se mucimo sa jednom prehladom? Mislim evo sad i treca doza ce trebati... Sta je to? Jel napreduje medicina ili ne?

Ti nemoj da se vakcinišeš.

Jel imate odgvor na moje pitanje?

Molim te, ti nemoj. Ostale molim da prime, tebe molim da ne.

Prelezao sam koronu da li ima smisla da se vakcinisem sad kad 100% imam antitela? Ako je taj novi soj toliko zeznut, a nisam bas najbolje podnio ni ovaj obican

Ako bih se ipak odlucio za vakcinu znam samo da ne bih rusku, jednostavno sam isuvise skeptican prema rujama, nije da su poznati po kvalitetnim prozivodima ako ne racunamo bojeve glave, tenkove i avione tipa SU