Religija: Društveni parazit ili samo stereotip?

  1. Religija je glupost, donosi glad nemaštinu, ratove, bolesti, smrt i nesreću.
    Da nema religije sve bi bilo bolje.

  2. Sažet, jasan, odlučan, izričan, smeo i neargumentovan stav. Definicija ideološke parole.

  3. Religija je svoju osnovnu svrhu ispunila sa pojavom zakona u državama. Trebalo je regulisati medjuljudske odnose dok je aparat vlasti bio nedovoljno razvijen.

    Sad ima drugu svrhu. Punjenje džepova popovima, fratrima i hodžama.
    Takodje uveseljava svetsko stanovništvo i razbija monotoniju koju stvara neklanje, nenabijanje na kolac, nekastriranje, nepaljenje tudjih verskih ustanova, neratovanje.

    U kurac Bobo, u kurac!

  4. Jebi ga, navikli ljudi da je ne shvataju ništa ozbiljno. Industrija zabave. Mada... Trenutno više ljudi ubija "demokratija" nego religija.

  5. Pa dobro, jebiga sad. Nije manje kriv Hitler što je Staljin pobio mnogo više ljudi od njega.

  6. Komarci su ubili najvise ljudi na svetu.

  7. Svuda u razvijenim zemljama religija pokušava ali ne uspeva da održi mesto u društvu, ali nestaje. Ipak, kako gubi na važnosti, sve više insistira na humanosti, da bi privukla natrag što veći broj ljudi. I to mi se sviđa. Uči te da budeš skroman, i to mi se sviđa. Čovek je kao biće preterano uobražen, i treba nešto da ga podseti da je samo komad mesa koji će na kraju da istruli. A ako se pop omrsi od mojih deset evra godišnje, neka ga, država mi otme bar sto puta toliko. A u nerazvijenim zemljama religija prima oblik otpora prema stranim kolonizatorima, kao na primer u islamu, i to mi se opet sviđa. Itd., religija je predvidela da će doći do Sudnjeg dana, ali nije smislila kako da se to napravi. Za to je već zadužena ta sekularna, toliko hvaljena nauka.

  8. Religija je nešto od čega čovečanstvo treba što pre da se oslobodi.
    Religioznost je kao neurološki poremećaj.

  9. Епикур је објаснио.

  10. Religioznost je kao neurološki poremećaj.

    Taj stil.
    U.G. Krishnamurti je objasnio.

  11. Religioznost je kao neurološki poremećaj.

    A jeb'o te Frojd...

  12. U.G. Krishnamurti je objasnio.

    Да знаш да је објаснио:

    I have no claims

    My aim is not some comfy dialectical thesis but the total negation of everything that can be expressed

  13. Religija je glupost, donosi glad nemaštinu, ratove, bolesti, smrt i nesreću.
    Da nema religije sve bi bilo bolje.

    Svega toga bi bilo i bez religije.

  14. U.G.: You will never be free from selfishness.
    Q: But all the saints, saviors and religions of all times have encouraged us to be unselfish, to be self-effacing, to be meek. It must therefore be possible. How can you be so certain of such a thing?
    U.G.: Because it is crystal clear to me that you have invented this idea of selflessness to protect yourself from the actual -- your selfishness. In any case, whether you believe in selflessness or not, you remain at all times selfish. Your so-called selflessness exists only in the future, tomorrow. And when tomorrow comes, it is put off until the next day, or perhaps next life. Look at it this way; it is like the horizon. Actually, there is no horizon. The more you move towards the horizon, the more it moves away. It is only the limitations of the eyes that creates the horizon. But there is no such thing as the horizon. Likewise, there is no such thing as selflessness at all. Man has tortured himself for generations with this idea of selflessness, and it has only afforded a living for those who sell the idea of selflessness for a living, like the priests and moralists. I am not condemning you or anyone else, just pointing out the absurdity of what you are doing. When the energy that is spent in the pursuit of something that does not exist, like selflessness, is released, your problem becomes very simple, no matter what it is. You will cease to create problems on the material plane, and that's the only plane there is.
    Q: Yes, but what about those who are not searching for some illusory abstraction, but simply happiness?
    U.G.: Their search for happiness is no different from the spiritual pursuit. It is the pursuit of pleasure, spirituality being the greatest, ultimate pleasure.
    Q: So this pursuit has to go?
    U.G.: Don't say it should go. Wanting selfishness to go is part and parcel of the selfish pursuit of a more pleasurable state -- selflessness. Both do not exist. That is why you are eternally unhappy. Your search for happiness is making you unhappy. Both the spiritual goal and the search for happiness are the same. Both are essentially selfish, pleasurable pursuits. If that understanding is somehow there in you, then you will not use the energy in that direction at all. You know, I've been everywhere in the world, and have found that people are exactly the same. There is no difference at all. Becoming is the most important thing in the world for everybody -- to become something. They all want to become rich, whether materially or spiritually, it is exactly the same. Don't divide it; the so-called spiritual is the materialistic. You may think you are superior because you go to temple and do puja, but the woman there is doing puja in the hope of having a child. She wants something, so she goes to the temple. So do you; it is exactly the same. For sentimental reasons you go, but in time it will become routine and become abhorrent to you. What I am trying to point out is simply this: your spiritual and religious activities are basically selfish. That is all I am pointing out. You go to the temple for the same reason you go other places -- you want some result. If you don't want anything there is no reason to go to the temple.

    Malo nekropostovanja nije na izmet. :)

  15. Не знам шта покушаваш са тим сталним цитирањем лика који је имао (а и даље има) завидан култ личности? А при том оћеш да критикујеш религију. Једна од битнијих одлика религијских фанатика је управо то везивање за један извор.
    Кад завршиш са читањем свега што је он написао, прочитај још једном овај његов цитат којим се посрао на све што је рекао:

    My aim is not some comfy dialectical thesis but the total negation of everything that can be expressed

    А што се тиче коришћења религије у сврху шишања оваца, најбољи примери за то су баш ти хинду-гуруи са њиховом продајом нирване. У разним паковањима.

  16. Religija je izvor sveg zla na ovom svetu.
    Drugi Svetski rat,
    Raspad Jugoslavije,
    Džihad i da ne pričam dalje.

  17. LOL, i bez religije bi bilo sranja.

  18. Ali religija nije pomogla. U Jugi je sve bilo OK dok nisu ovi počeli sa ja sam musliman, ja sam katolik, ja sam pravoslavac.

  19. Našao bi se i neki drugi razlog da mi zakrvimo. A kako je religija započela WW2?

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Kompjuterska Biblioteka · 7. Maj 2009.