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  1. Vise mi se svidja ovaj font btw

  2. Je l umetnica mora biti zdrava pobjedila kako to ide?

  3. Ugine li ovaj sajt, ne želim da pravim nalog bilo gde zbog da vas više ne gledam, ovo je kao ona rehabilitaciona privatna klinika u američkim filmovina gde dođeš potpuno dobrovoljno al slabije će izađeš bez otpusne liste a ovde ste svi pod nekom manom

  4. Stalker brutalno iskren, vukajlijaši mu to neće oprostiti

  5. Stalker: Idete mi na KURAC. (FOTO) (VIDEO) Vukajlijaši mu nisu ostali dužni, pogledajte BRUTALNO spuštanje koje ga je ostavilo u NEVERICI.

  6. Lele havarija

    Ok šalio sam se

  7. Kazane bolje stavi Comic Sans MS.

  8. Космајац
    Je l umetnica mora biti zdrava pobjedila kako to ide?

    Da oće da pobjedi da nam više kaže koja je tajna zdrave kose Megan Maakl ŽIV NISAM!!!

  9. Pollution Affects Us More Than You Might Think

    In the future, the police may begin monitoring pollution levels in their cities and respond to areas where pollution levels are highest that day. Why? Because new studies show that air pollution is linked to mental health problems, poorer performance in school, and higher levels of crime.

    These findings are worrisome because air pollution kills approximately seven million people each year. The World Health Organization says that nine out of ten of us frequently breathe in dangerous levels of polluted air.

    In 2011, Sefi Roth, a researcher at the London School of Economics, conducted a study to see if air pollution affects academic performance. Roth and his team studied students taking exams in the same place on different days – and measured the level of air pollution on those days.

    He found that on the most polluted days, test scores decreased significantly. However, on days where the air quality was cleanest, students performed better.

    In 2018, Roth’s research team analyzed two years of crime data taken from more than 600 different areas in London. They found that in both rich and poor areas, more petty crimes occurred on the most polluted days.

    They also studied specific clouds of pollution that traveled to different parts of the city with the wind. He explains, “We found that wherever it goes, crime rate increases.” Levels of pollution that the US Environmental Protection Agency classifies as “good” were still strongly linked to higher crime rates.

    Studies conducted by Jackson Lu of Massachusetts Institute of Technology have shown that just thinking about pollution can affect us psychologically.

    Lu showed participants photos of an extremely polluted city and asked them to imagine themselves living there versus a clean city. The participants' anxiety increased, and they became more self-focused – two responses that could increase aggressive behavior.

    Lu says, “So, by elevating people's anxiety, air pollution can have a detrimental effect on behavior.”

  10. Stavio soma na konstraktu za pobedu, kvota 50

  11. Sefi Roth, a researcher at the London School of Economics,

    El realno da se lik zove Sephiroth, jedan od najkul negativaca ikad?

  12. mesni narezak
    Kazane bolje stavi Comic Sans MS.

    Samo Ubuntu SKEČ

  13. Sephiroth, jedan od najkul negativaca ikad

    Kaži mi da si weeb degenerik bez da mi kažeš da si weeb degenerik

  14. Do ovog trenutka sam mislio da je kamefil skroz ok lik i na mestu i onda saznam za ovo

  15. pa već smo davno ustanovili da drka na crtiće, na takozvani hentaj, nema dalje.

  16. Stvarno ne cenite FFVII kao najlegendarniju igru za PS1?

  17. drkaš na crtiće bolesniku bolesni.

  18. Čuj njega pored žive kreš trilogije da cenim neko weeb govno kao najlegendarniju igru za ps1. Čuj stari

  19. El realno da se lik zove Sephiroth, jedan od najkul negativaca ikad?

    Bukv mi ovo prvo palo na pamet kad sam čuo :)

Rekli o sajtu

Na sajtu vukajlija.com definisan je pluskvamfutur I i II , poseban morfološki oblik glagola, kojim se služe političari kada govore o ulasku Srbije u Evropsku uniju.

Kurir · 20. Februar 2011.