Разноразно питање

  1. Pravite me na idiota, u smislu "pravite dete na idiota" svako ko je ovde dosao ovde, kao da je ozračen, a ja se zračim od 2010

  2. A to.

    Jeste vala, al zracis i ti, nemoj sad da se postavljas na neko vise moralno postolje od ostatka ovde.

  3. Svi smo govna, šta sad?

  4. Vuka kolonija gubavaca

  5. cenim da su svi odavde uglavnom uljudni u rl. ukljucujuci i melkora i caru, i ejdusa troldjiju :)

  6. To ti je ovo Celtaro

    NRR - arm, car, door, court, sir, first, art, part, dark, more, looking for, heart, hurt, return, burger, burgeoning, girl, curl, world, purple, turtle, burnt, burning, born, torn, corn, morning, bird, serve, surely

    ovde prelazi u drugu reč kako bi odradio linking, a možeš i da ga ubacuješ (njega ili w) gde ne postoji

    INTRUSIVE R – far away, more ice, after eight, four eggs, here again, better example, Lawrand order, I sawra film, China(r)and Italy, Supernovarin the sky, Mediarattention, Asia(r)and Africa

  7. Intrusive r nema bukvalno nikakve veze s ovim što je ova kalaštura otpevala, samo fleksuješ "znanje" bez ikakve potrebe.

  8. Ovo ti je isto važno ako hoćeš da zvučiš kako treba

    INTRUSION – connecting wowel with wowel by adding an extra sound - j/w/r

    - I(j)also enjoyed. I(j)agree. Three(j) of them. Tea(j)or coffee. She (j)answered
    - Do (w) it. I can’t thank you(w)enough. I go(w)out. Go(w)on and do(w)it. True (w)or false. I want to(w)eat.
    - There(r)are(r) of course another(r) examples. Are you a docto(r)o(r)a nurse?

    CATENATION - Linking consonant to vowel: this will make it sound like the second word starts with a consonant.
    - This afternoon. This evening. This orange. I loved it. Secret agent. Cats or dogs

    ASSIMILATION – joining sounds to make a new sound
    - Next(č) year. Last(č) year. Won’t you. Haven’t you. Who shot you
    Did(dz) you. Could you. Would you. Meet you. Portugal, mutual, natural, institute, Tuesday, history

    ELISION - If the first word finishes in a consonant sound and the next word starts with a consonant sound, the first sound disappears. This often happens with a /t/ or /d/ sound.
    - Las(t) week. The firs(t) one. Las(t) Sunday. Tex(t) book. Mos(t) common. Use(d) to. Da(d) take. You an(d)me. Tell(h)im. For some people

    GEMINATES - two same sounds back-to-back.
    - Social life. Pet turtle. This site. Calm man. Pine nut. Thanks so much.

  9. Ma kakvo postolje, sta kenjas, isti mudroser ko svi

  10. Have to izgovaraš kao heftu, t možeš da izbacuješ dosta često itd. Uglavnom naučiš tih desetak pravila, SCHWA, dark L, tih 44 glasa koliko ih ima na 26 slova, intonaciju i popraviš se drastično za realno tri nedelje ako vežbaš svaki dan.

  11. Gipkost engleskog jezika

  12. Intrusive r nema bukvalno nikakve veze s ovim što je ova kalaštura otpevala, samo fleksuješ "znanje" bez ikakve potrebe.

    nisam čuo pesmu doduše :) Nebitno eto ti sve pa vežbaj

  13. Ovo npr isto dosta dobro

    She sells seashells by the seashore
    I saw a kitten eating chicken in the kitchen
    I thought I thought of thinking of thanking you
    Slim slam slap
    A big black bug snoozed on a big black rug
    He threw three free throws
    Thin sticks, thick bricks
    Fred fed Ted bread and Ted fed Fred bread
    Red lorry, yellow lorry
    Truly rural
    I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream
    Rolling red wagons
    Blue blurry vines blind
    Betty loves the velvet vest best
    Barber baby bubbles and a bumblebee
    Burnt base, vicious vase
    Vivacious Val vacuumed Violet’s very vivid vehicle
    Eddie edited Earl’s easy music
    Excited executioner exercising his excising powers excessively
    Annie ate eight Arctic apples
    An orange oval spooks the odd operative
    An awful aardvark and an aching ape ate an antelope
    Printed papers under pressure make pens prickle
    The poor boar pours batter over his putter
    Six sticky skeletons
    Thunder sunders thick sticks

    Sve je bukv. kao teretana, uzmeš i ponavljaš kao papagaj.

  14. aj procitaj ti meni lepo onaj clanak iz gaaadijana sa tim nepostojanim r sto sam okacio

  15. E da skontao sam da je daleko zanimljivije čitati postove na temama unazad.

  16. Ne mogu Celt mrzi me zaista

  17. Ovo ti je isto važno ako hoćeš da zvučiš kako treba

    INTRUSION – connecting wowel with wowel by adding an extra sound - j/w/r

    - I(j)also enjoyed. I(j)agree. Three(j) of them. Tea(j)or coffee. She (j)answered
    - Do (w) it. I can’t thank you(w)enough. I go(w)out. Go(w)on and do(w)it. True (w)or false. I want to(w)eat.
    - There(r)are(r) of course another(r) examples. Are you a docto(r)o(r)a nurse?


    CATENATION - Linking consonant to vowel: this will make it sound like the second word starts with a consonant.
    - This afternoon. This evening. This orange. I loved it. Secret agent. Cats or dogs

    Zelensky reportedly had a mental breakdown hours ago.

    ASSIMILATION – joining sounds to make a new sound
    - Next(č) year. Last(č) year. Won’t you. Haven’t you. Who shot you
    Did(dz) you. Could you. Would you. Meet you. Portugal, mutual, natural, institute, Tuesday, history

    Mariupol residents used as a human shield.

    ELISION - If the first word finishes in a consonant sound and the next word starts with a consonant sound, the first sound disappears. This often happens with a /t/ or /d/ sound.
    - Las(t) week. The firs(t) one. Las(t) Sunday. Tex(t) book. Mos(t) common. Use(d) to. Da(d) take. You an(d)me. Tell(h)im. For some people

    EntireKherson region liberated.

    GEMINATES - two same sounds back-to-back.
    - Social life. Pet turtle. This site. Calm man. Pine nut. Thanks so much

    Huge mercenary casualties in Kharkov region

  18. Kharkov operations "going as planned" according to gen. Peskov.