
može keva da mu bude.

Doduše, Cara je s ovom (neplaniranom?) trudnoćom ušla u MILF kategoriju.

pa gde će biti planirana u 45. godini života, ne zajebavaj se.


JUST IN - US reports first case of #monkeypox after UK, Portugal confirmed new cases earlier today. Multiple suspected cases in Canada and Spain.



JUST IN - G7 health ministers to take part in a pandemic exercise in Germany, simulating a fast-spreading and dangerous outbreak of a "smallpox virus" originating from leopards, BILD reports.


Опет неки Кинез појео супу од мајмуна и леопарда.

MORE - "The scenario will have the particularity that especially younger people will be hit very hard," Germany's health minister added regarding the virus exercise.

Mislite mlađi vakcinisani?

U.S. buys millions of monkey pox vaccines. Monkey pox is closely related to small pox and the vaccine is the same. You can find plenty of scientific and mainstream articles explaining that small pox vaccination is not widespread because the side effects are known to be so severe (see here for example). But of course this particular vaccine (that the FDA approved in September of 2019 with no long term testing) will be absolutely safe and effective. Because science.

Is this the pathogen they will use to justify the next mass vaccination? Too soon to tell, but the narrative is being cultivated that cases are spreading in Europe and the U.S. at an unprecedented rate.

Discussion: @OpenSourceTheNews

trajfo brt, ne traži više kurca na ovoj temi, jer kurca ovde više NEMA.

Ovo mi dođe ko oglasna tabla ti slobodno zanemari niko svakako ni ne piše ništa

Moš je koristiti za popis za kupnju

- deset jaja
- brašno tip 400, 2 kila
- banane
- avokado
- maslinovo ulje
- neko meso ako bude
- zobeno mleko
- patlidžani
- tikvice

aukurac, još Cara da se dogega ovde sa svojim trudničkim stomakom i celo društvo će biti na okupu