Osim velikih istorijskih i nacionalnih zabluda, podložni smo i onim „sitnijim”, ali koje nam određuju svakodnevicu. „Ne valja da se sedi na kućnom pragu, posebno kad grmi”, „Hleb od 500 grama je opšteprihvaćen pod nazivom kilo hleba”, „Ne valja da se zviždi u kući, to privlači miševe”, „Ne valja da se otvara kišobran u kući”, „Žvakanje žvaka može da deformiše vilicu”, „Ma koliko vruće i zagušljivo bilo, ne otvarati prozor, ubiće promaja”, navode na popularnom internet portalu „Vukajlija” niz sujeverja i zabluda našeg naroda.
Politika · 31. Januar 2011.
Salim se ne podrzavam nikog, ja podrzavam vanzemaljce oni bi trebali sve da jebu pipcima nekim ili sta vec imaju...
Hahhahahahahahahaua Gospode koji si ti biser. Oz biljnu konurenciju imam ☺️
poceo i cnn polako da menja pricu, nema vise onog-rusi na ratistu umiru od gladi nemaju da jedu o municiji da i ne pricamo.uu kako jadna vojska././sta misle ovi kreteni da su svi drugi 200 god zaostali u odnosu na njih.
ovako ce da im bude u svakom gradu.
kensingoton jebeni
The Russians take their time to get in the saddle, but when they do they ride fast. The restraint Putin has exercised up to this point in the face of repeated and egregious provocations (the Nord Stream sabotage, and 2 attacks on the Crimean bridge for example) has been extraordinary (and from the perspective of many Russians, excessive). It was a mistake to confuse this restraint for weakness (and the Europeans will pay a high price for it).
Predictably, the ass-hats in Brussels and Washington are attempting to frame Russia for the misery that is coming. They will continue blaming Russia as they corner the bear and force him to fight. They will continue lying and gaslighting the public as this war goes sideways and arrives at their door . They will act surprised as Russia defeats every conventional assault NATO can throw at it, bringing the world to the brink of a nuclear catastrophe. Oops! How could we have known that Russia's superior anti-aircraft, hypersonics and 5th generation fighters would trample the dilapidated armies of western Europe? Who needs air superiority?
Here again, the conspiratorial perspective is the only one that makes sense: The Europeans KNOW that they cannot win the fight they are picking. They KNOW that their escalations in Ukraine and elsewhere will lead to millions dead on the battlefields and even more from famine and disease. But as we see in Ukraine, forced conscription is a very efficient way to purge a population of fighting age men. What better way to deal with future trouble makers than to send them to be killed in some far away meat grinder? They don't need to win the war against Russia or China or Iran. They need to win the war against their own people. They know you will hunt them down if they don't.
TL;DR Rat se proširuje, mladići Evrope spremte se
Nego… de je ćirko?
Ćirko sabotira izvoz ukrajinskog žita
Ќирко > kirk > kierkegaard
pametnom dosta
Честитке браћи азовцима нек славе у миру и весељу
božić 25.12. > božić 7.1.
čika bulja hahaha
Potvrđeno, ruska letelica sletila na Mesec
Jel se osušilo blato, kako napreduje ofanziva? Jel se raspala Rusija, šta kažu izvori?
Detaljnom analizom je utvrdjeno da ukrajinska dugocekivana ofanziva nije uspela jer je pajsad bila najavljivana pa su se rusi pajsad ukopali
Nek smo mi poslali letjelice u razne picke materine svemirske a sto smo planetu zemlju upropastili to nema veze
Plidu to je bukv utopija, istrazivanja idu u cilju da se nadje i tamo nesto iskoristi i upropasti. Po mogucnosti da ostatak mega kosmosa budu sve neki bednici eventualno nadjemo mejmune kojima cemo puknemo inzenjeringom nas gen ne bi li osetili bozanstvenost bogova sa pajsad zemlje
Tragamo za svemirskim hotulima moj caro
Cekaj nejasni mi ovi Vojvodjani sa vuke, zar niste vi evropejci, kakvo je ovo navijanje za Ruje
Mađari brt
Bukv ocekivanja be like e e imamo signal sa planete houltu9l prva rec iz kosmosa pajsad teletina